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Barozi said:
I actually liked it that it's not as scary as FEAR. I've completed it a few days ago and it's a pretty good game.
It features one of the longest FPS singleplayer modes I've played in a long time. However I was a bit dissapointed with the last level.

My score: 8.75/10


This explains it for me as well.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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disolitude said:


If you find her will enjoy the ending very much ;)

the game is still creepy just not really scary anymore...being a dude who slows down time and has mechs at his disposal kinda makes the experience less tense as...silent hill 2 lets say...whre you can't even walk in a straight line.

Lots of "BOO!" scares but not overall scary if you know what I mean...


 That's a bummer, cuz i really liked the first one (just finished it for the first time). Espcially adult alma walking slowy towards you near the end :D. I was wasting all my bullets right there :P. Also does point-man get mentioned in the second game, or do i need to see for myself?

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Kratos said:
disolitude said:


If you find her will enjoy the ending very much ;)

the game is still creepy just not really scary anymore...being a dude who slows down time and has mechs at his disposal kinda makes the experience less tense as...silent hill 2 lets say...whre you can't even walk in a straight line.

Lots of "BOO!" scares but not overall scary if you know what I mean...


 That's a bummer, cuz i really liked the first one (just finished it for the first time). Espcially adult alma walking slowy towards you near the end :D. I was wasting all my bullets right there :P. Also does point-man get mentioned in the second game, or do i need to see for myself?


Yeah, there are lots of refferences to the first game. Point-man being the dude you play with in part 1? her son? If so then, yeah he has a place in the story of part 2. There are documents scatered all over part 2, jsut like phone messages in part 1. ITs advised you read those because they are pretty interesting and some are really funny.

All in all, the story ties in very nicely. A lot of people are finding the ending kinda sudden but it makes sense...and comes together long as you are ok with accepting that there will be part 3 :)

I only played the demo, but let me tell you, that was the first F.E.A.R. game I have ever played. The school portion scared the shit out of me.

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Euphoria14 said:
I only played the demo, but let me tell you, that was the first F.E.A.R. game I have ever played. The school portion scared the shit out of me.


 That part was actually dumbed down for the demo...believe it or not. In the real School level in the game...its much scarier. I wish they didn't show it in the demo as it would have been one of those...OMFG moments had I net seen it in its user freindly mode in the demo.

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disolitude said:
Euphoria14 said:
I only played the demo, but let me tell you, that was the first F.E.A.R. game I have ever played. The school portion scared the shit out of me.


 That part was actually dumbed down for the demo...believe it or not. In the real School level in the game...its much scarier. I wish they didn't show it in the demo as it would have been one of those...OMFG moments had I net seen it in its user freindly mode in the demo.

All I know is that I was playing, then I started hearing like something was there but I couldn't see anything. Next thing you know this damn ghost or whatever just pops up!

I was screwing around at the start of the demo and my health was extremely low. When those damn things would just pop out in front of my face I can't remember myself ever trying to hit that firing trigger as fast as I did.


iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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I had at least 15 moments where those things scared the shit out of me. I was freaking hiding in corners, like at one point there is a soda machine. I wedged my ass in there and tried to wait it out but those ghosts aren't stupid. They waited until I came back out.

I didn't like afterwards though when you go outside and I had that gunfight. Maybe outside of a demo it will be better but for what that demo was showing me right off the bat it seemed a little out of place.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Euphoria14 said:
I had at least 15 moments where those things scared the shit out of me.

I didn't like afterwards though when you go outside and I had that gunfight. Maybe outside of a demo it will be better but for what that demo was showing me right off the bat it seemed a little out of place. it was said before in the thread, demo is chopped up form 4 different levels. Game flows more smoothly. I love the fact I can have 4 guns... When the game is giving you the Nail gun I suggest you take it and drop that shotgun... Its one of those games that is doing this for a reason.


I edited my previous post to truly express how much that one portion scared the hell out of me.

I figured F.E.A.R. fans may find it humoring.



So wait, that demo wasn't one portion? When I walked out of the school and ended up in the gunfight... it was like 2 sections glued together? In the retail release those two sections are not next to each other like that?

If so that makes things so much better.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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lol...i see your edit. Yeah, ghosts are smart like that...especially the real life ones :)