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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 framerate can drop as low as 20fps

What a visually stunning game!

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Squilliam said:
epsilon72 said:
windbane said:
epsilon72 said:
MGS4 had some bad framerate problems as well, so I'm not surprised.

No it didn't.


Well, then my eyes must have framerate problems then, because when I played it it sure did

(mostly when several explosions/smoke plumes were occuring at once)


Actually it averaged a little under or a little over 25 FPS according to the same source that did this frame-rate test.

If we take John Carmack as gospel when he said that you get roughly 3* the performance from halving the frame-rate from 60 locked to 30 FPS locked. You must get 4* the performance going from a game which barely deviates from 60 down to a game which can go as low as 20 FPS. Im talking 59.567 or so FPS.

Infinity Ward are some awesome developers...


GT5p runs at 60FPS, but its replays are 30FPS, and the game looks pretty much the same.


Now try playing at 30FPS and theres a fairly significant difference.

Btw, I only played GT5P for a day or so as I rented it to check it out. Do any of the races start on a grid or do they all just start "on the run".


Squilliam said:
Now try playing at 30FPS and theres a fairly significant difference.

Btw, I only played GT5P for a day or so as I rented it to check it out. Do any of the races start on a grid or do they all just start "on the run".

I  don't rememeber any of the event races starting on grids.  But i know they have some online.


I remember seeing that they didn't have races on the grid because of the performance hit of having too many cars rendered on screen at once, though I wasn't 100% sure.


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It's on the PS3, there will be controversy.

  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.

If its not affecting the gameplay, why complain about it?

And to whoever said MGS4 has framerate issues: Oh my god you are the funniest person around. Even with a whole bunch of FROGS and the boss and its minions flying around in act three WHILE on a motorcycle WITH a lot of exploding barrels, thre were zero slowdowns, so kindly stfu and get out :)

Squilliam said:
I remember seeing that they didn't have races on the grid because of the performance hit of having too many cars rendered on screen at once, though I wasn't 100% sure.


Many tracks started you on a long stretch of track, even though it was starting on the run all the cars were rendered on the one screen. I think their decision to start on the run was more to do with lap-times on such short races. Starting from a stand-still would ruin your first lap's time.

tedsteriscool said:
If its not affecting the gameplay, why complain about it?

And to whoever said MGS4 has framerate issues: Oh my god you are the funniest person around. Even with a whole bunch of FROGS and the boss and its minions flying around in act three WHILE on a motorcycle WITH a lot of exploding barrels, thre were zero slowdowns, so kindly stfu and get out :)

Well, if you don't want to believe me that's perfectly fine.  I was just commenting on the game's performance and the ps3's hardware - it didn't change the fact that I really enjoyed the game.  It was kind of random times actually, as in i'd see a framerate hit at times where it seemed like there was less going on than some really intense, more smooth firefight.

Call of Duty frame rates:


Test #1: 6 seconds, 414 frames
Not much to stress the engine here, both games exhibiting a solid frame rate.
PlayStation 3: 59.94fps
Xbox 360: 59.94fps

Test #2: 22 seconds, 1340 frames
At the beginning of this clip, the PS3 engine renders at around 50fps. The average rises as the engine returns to 59.94fps. Xbox 360 is solid at 59.94fps throughout - the 0.06fps loss from 60fps is not relevant, it’s really the case that HDTVs update at this frequency, not actually at 60fps. Note how the rain effect on the PS3 version is far more pronounced.
PlayStation 3: 56.94fps
Xbox 360: 59.94fps

Test #3: 13 seconds, 836 frames
Xbox 360 drops a total of 16 frames on the section where the player is looking into the control room as your colleagues shoot the seamen, the rest is a solid 59.94fps. PS3 on the other hand, drops 68 frames - over a second of video - in the same timescale. Note how the frame rate drops on both versions at the same time, with the PS3 game being more impacted.
PlayStation 3: 55.06fps
Xbox 360: 58.79fps

Test #4: 23 seconds, 1426 frames
Flawless playback on Xbox 360, with not a single frame dropped. For the most part, PS3 runs the same section at around 48fps, recovering here and there to slightly increase the overall average. As there is little lateral left-right movement, the dropped frames are hard to notice.
PlayStation 3: 51.48fps
Xbox 360: 59.94fps

Test #5: 37 seconds, 2238 frames
A chance to see how the CoD4 engine fares rendering game characters close-up at extreme detail levels. 360 drops a single frame rendering the final blast from the terrorist’s pistol. PS3 drops down to 50fps rendering the red-bereted AK47-wielding terrorist, then drops further frames as the pistol is being handed to the executioner. The long length of the sequence keeps the average high.
PlayStation 3: 58.762fps
Xbox 360: 59.91fps

Test #6: 39 seconds, 2350 frames
The intro to the first helicopter mission. The left-to-right movement makes frame loss and the resultant judder much easier to see. On 360, most of the frame loss occurs once the action moves in land, with a gradual decline in frame rate. PS3 appears to decline sooner, and faster. Once again, note how both versions struggle at exactly the same points. Also of interest is the sudden dip at the beginning of the clip - my guess is that the game’s caching data at this point - you’ll notice it happen in several of the other videos in this feature.
PlayStation 3: 52.92fps
Xbox 360: 56.88fps

Test #7: 10 seconds, 600 frames
The descent from the helicopter is the first real engine-stressing moment. Before reaching touchdown on terra firma, 360 runs at 50fps, PS3 worse still at 40fps. Again, a lot of left to right movement here emphasises the judder. Frame rate recovers once on the ground, skewing the average higher.
PlayStation 3: 47.43fps
Xbox 360: 53.74fps

Test #8: 12 seconds, 740 frames
After the initial data caching (?) glitch, this clip settles down nicely at 60fps on Xbox 360, while the equivalent video pushes the frame rate down to 50fps on the PlayStation 3. As this is mostly a gameplay clip from a pretty advanced-looking level, it suggests that Infinity Ward is starting to push the CoD4 engine to its limits on the Sony platform.
PlayStation 3: 51.43fps
Xbox 360: 59.62fps

Test #9: 15 seconds, 910 frames
A single dropped frame on Xbox 360 as the SAM hits the helicopter (quite interesting to see how in terms of averages this skews the graph). In a 15 second clip, the PS3 code drops over a second’s worth of frames (68) but as the frame drops are sporadic and not even, they’re virtually invisible to the human eye.
PlayStation 3: 55.48fps
Xbox 360: 59.88fps

Test #10: 10 seconds, 646 frames
Pretty much a constant 60fps on Xbox 360, with just two frames lost as the player is revived by Captain Price. The same section causes issues for PS3: 27 frames lost, bringing frame rate for that section down to around 40fps. The action returns to 60fps for the rest of the clip, raising the average, but it’s interesting to see just how much more of an impact a single engine-stressing moment has on both platforms.
PlayStation 3: 57.43ps
Xbox 360: 59.76fps

Test #11: 5 seconds, 330 frames
Just like Test #8, the 360 code drops a handful of frames on the initial zoom-in, but is otherwise absolutely solid. PS3 stutters at the same point (again I’m sure it’s a data caching or retrieval issue), but the frame rate fluctuates more - most of the first half of the clip runs at 50-55fps before recovering to even out the average. It once again indicates that a lot of action will cause the PS3 game more problems.
PlayStation 3: 55.39ps
Xbox 360: 59.03fps

Test #12: 31 seconds, 1840 frames
Another helicopter clip, and more left to right movement that should effectively show judder/frame loss. Despite the length of this clip, 360 drops just three frames, all in succession. The whole game is actually pausing at this point, knocking the two captures slightly out of sync. PS3 has a similar pause a few seconds earlier, but has four seconds of action of sporadic frame loss not seen in the 360 version.
PlayStation 3: 57.91ps
Xbox 360: 59.03fps

Test #13: 22 seconds, 1324 frames
In this final clip, we once again zero in on a moment of pretty non-taxing gameplay. A single frame dropped on Xbox 360 during the initial zoom-in. Likewise with PS3, which also drops a further 94 frames during the course of the clip.
PlayStation 3: 55.64ps
Xbox 360: 59.90fps

Now, we know that the COD IV on the Xbox 360 is a bit better do we have any objections?

Edit: We also know that its a pretty solid 60 FPS.
