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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Consoles are this eras PCs

Squilliam said:

I used to be an extremely hardcore PC supporter. My first post on this site (You can look it up if you want) was in support of the uber awesomeness of the PC gaming empire. See, my PS3 I had at the time was merely a sideshow to the main event which was my PC.

What happened since? Well I started buying my games *gasp* and once that happened I found better value for money from consoles than the PC. When I wasn't paying a cent it was no issue for me to deal with the problems that came with PC gaming because I wasn't paying for them. I could easily look up cracks and patches and cracked patches etc to get my games up and running and that was the cost for what were essentially free games. As a paying consumer I didn't feel all too happy putting up with the issues on the PC and in the end I really only play one game on the PC now regularly which is Civ IV and I post on vgchartz at the same time. (Alt-Tab)

What I do now is completely different, I still don't buy all that many games however I rent them a LOT and I get a discount from renting games so much. But I never have issues. You know I had to get over my 'PC-gamer angst' of not being able to save every 10-15 mins because I was scared of crashes. I have thousands of hours now on the system and only 2 crashes to speak of. Just that relief is worth going console rather than PC. Console gaming, heck even owning 3 consoles for me is cheaper than owning a gaming PC. I used to be a pathalogical upgrader because I couldn't stand not being able to run games at a high frame-rate.

Has the PC gaming community lost anything? No, because I hardly ever bought a game. But the console gaming community has gained a paying consumer, and yet the PC gaming never managed to transition me to actually paying for the games in the first place. From now on, im actually more comfortable on the console than a PC. 20+ years of almost strictly PC FPS+Strategy+RPG gaming and now I feel more comfortable with a controller than the mouse+keyboard for game genres such as FPS and RPG. It took me 20 years of use to become extremely good with the mouse and it took less than a year to unlearn all of that.

See that's me right there. The thing is unlike what the HD people say about the Wii and how the wii is ruining games, there is a very marginal overlap in genres between the two, generally the HD gamers bitch about the "Wii" games.  The HD FPS Startegy, and RPG games are VERY simple in comparison to the PC ones from back in the day. There is only so much you can do in a game where you have a shoot button and a cover button, basically. It seems they focus more on just the shooting part, yet when you measure it up to the old pure shooting games on the PC like Quake/UT, they fail miserably when measured up against them. Controls aside, the gameplay itself is far simpler, look at Halo Wars. It's absolutely AMAZING, except that when you measure it up to something that came out even more than 10 years ago it fails miserably. Relatively, yes having an HD console right now would be better. If you add in older games I wouldn't trade my PC for a console ever. As you can see most of my problems lie with the games themselves and I completely blame developers and no one else for this ridiculous drop in quality.


The Wii on the other hadn took a completely different approach, its games are made to be pure fun, nothing complicated, just go in and have fun with your friends. There is minimal overlap with the PC staple genres. The only comparable game like that on the HD consoles really is LBP, and I fucking despise the down syndrome fucktard that we all call Sackboy, I wanna throw my controller out the window every time I have to jump...

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


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Squilliam, your song sounds similar to mine. I believe it is increasingly the case of PC gamers who happened to jump the shark into consoles. You eventually get tired of the headaches of PC gaming and just want to play. Oh, you miss some things, but that missing includes compatibility headaches.

It is also a case of justifying one's own costs here. Anyone have any idea why someone would feel a need to do an upgrade to a PS3/360 level graphics for a PC, unless you want to play games? Does Internet work, or word processing need it? I guess maybe if someone wanted to edit their own videos it would be a case, but what about most needs? Stuff like email, letters, resume, doing your taxes, and working the Internet. We have hit the wall on what PCs can do for people. Shoot, one likely could do most things they need with a Linux box and Open Office. They would save more money.

So, there you go, the PC purist now faces Linux maniacs who make them feel they are inferior. And they feel the heat of people with Macs also.

richardhutnik said:

Oh, one can reach for stats of "But China is growing". Yeah, developing nations where the only chance you get to play games is in computer centers that people will pay to play. They are versions of arcades from the past, with people too poor to own their own devices. If places can run pirated games on their machines, they will. Or, they will have free online games people can play and do with, ad supported. Places like this generally fold up shop in North America, unless in a MAJOR metropolitian center. And, in North America, they also have videogame systems. Gee, what a shock!

Are you calling European countries underdeveloped?! PC is huge in Europe, Asia and Oceania. It's the North-Americans that aren't "in tune" with the rest.


richardhutnik said:

So, you are looking for PC gaming to become an "out of sight, out of mind" subculture thing, that most people aren't going to mess with.   Even if the games are great, they will not get attention.

You are a piece of work. Why does it matter if a game gets attention or not? If the game is good, then it's there for people that want to play it. Again I call games like Sins of a Solar Empire and Audiosurf - are they non-factor because they don't sell that many copies?

So your reasoning is that if a game doesn't sell like 200k, then it's trash?! Oh dear... Thank god that movie critics don't think like you, or else great movies like 'No Country for Old Men' and 'Slumdog Millionaire' wouldn't be able to win awards because they're not popular enough. I bet we'd instead get the mediocre Spiderman 3 win the oscars.


richardhutnik said:

If you want to see what online sales vs retail does for games, compare online XBox Live sales to those retail.  The Retail environment sells a LOT more.  So, what you are seeing now is PC gaming is becoming a subculture online, that will compete against a LOT of other areas, like Cell phone games, and other things.

Why the Hell are you comparing Xbox Live sales with X360 retail sales?!?! Tell me!! PC Revenue has NOTHING to do with Xbox 360's Revenue!!! The Retail sells more on Consoles, but NOT on PC!!!!

You are thick - I explain you things and you just ignore them:
PC has been shifting to online for over a decade. In 2007, DFC (a tracking company like NPD) estimated that only 30% of PC's Total Revenue was from Retail. 30%!!!! That means in 2007, Retail didn't even account one third of PC's Revenue.

So tell me, how did the other 70% come to be? It certainly didn't appear out of thin air!


richardhutnik said:

And if you want to start throwing in ALL PC gaming, including subscription based models for games and massive multiplayer, XBox Live revenues can also be thrown in to.   And then, once console Massive Multiplayer games get going also, we will include those revenues into the mix also.  And you will find that PC gaming AS A PERCENTAGE of total electronic entertainment, is getting smaller.  This will be particularly true as far as revenues go from sales.  Look for more and more games attempt to go massive multiplayer and ad supported on PCs, and the industry races to the bottom in a cutthroat manner.



Dude, you still haven't shown ANY evidence to support your claim. All the figures you showed was from NPD, which was something that supported the common theory of PC being on a transition period to online from retail. And besides, Retail figures of PC games are only about less than 30% of PC's Revenue. Less than 30%!!!

How about this: Since you're so sure PC is declining, how about showing some figures that support your argument? And I mean numbers about Online, Subscriptions and Digital Distribution, which are most of PC gaming's Revenue.

I'll start with mine:

Steam Grows Over 150% in 2007
China Online Game Market Grows 76.6% in 2008 to $2.7 Billions
Subscriptions Generated $1 Billion in the US, in 2007 - more than Retail
PC Gaming Fanbase to grow to 350 millions by 2012

Your turn.


shio, did your console revenue figure include WiiWare, Virtual Console, XBLA, and PSN sales?

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

To address some of Shio's comments:
1. I spoke about computer centers in developing nations as where growth will come for PC gaming there. People there aren't at an economic level where the majority of them can afford their own PCs. So, they play in computer centers that are like arcades in the past. If tthey do happen to get a computer it most likely won't be Windows-based. With the global economy what it is, it will be interesting to see if the trend will reverse any time soon.
2. The reason why getting attention matters is that this part is called, MARKETING. Without marketing, the games don't nearly generate the same level of sales. This is why attention matters. On a platform like the PC, which has no barriers to entry, you will find that it is bound to get some good, obscure titles for it, just by number of developers who want to prove themselves. If, for example, Sins of A Solar Empire were not published by Stardock, it wouldn't of done nearly as well as it did. It would of been lost in the shuffle. This is why MARKETING and advertising and publishers matter. And, in this area, it is why top console games will usually do better than top PC games. They get greater advertising, for example. You boast about "oh multiple titles broke a million on the PC!". Well titles on consoles do more than that. You do get something like World of Warcraft, but the level beneath that is owned by consoles.
And this attention adds up. It is why people who design games want to get on consoles, because the market is more of a captured market, and piracy is a lesser issue, thus more sales. Your defensiveness over indie games is bordering on absurd. I am talking about the importance of marketing, and you are whining, "But but... games no one knows about are good to!". That is nice, but doesn't affect the bottom line, which is what matters from an INDUSTRY standpoint.
3. The reason for XBox Live Marketplace sales to console sales, shows why retail sales matter, and why advertising and marketing matters. There are reasons why Live sales don't match up to retail sales. It has to do with marketing. A game like Halo gets ads. It also gets into slurpies and so on. It is a cultural icon. The closest thing PCs games have is World of Warcraft, which ends up in other spots, like in Toyota Trucks. It is why you have over 11 million users, because of this cultural penetraion. This is what counts, and PC games generally don't have the same level. Thus, the consoles become the eventual destination for developers.
4. Let's see, retail sales for PC gaming was less than 1/3 of online sales. Ok, so let's say it was 1/4. PC sales clocked retail clocked in at less than 1 billion. So, multiply it times four, and you end up with PC game sales being around $4 billion (of course it is less, but let me humor you and use numbers YOU agree to). That is less that console sales. The PC market is smaller than consoles, and shows no indication of this trend reversing.
5. You ask for evidence. Go ahead and show evidence that AS A PERCENTAGE, PC gaming is gaining on consoles. Go and do it. PC games may grow, but consoles grow faster. Go ahead and show otherwise.

If you try to go here:

That isn't going to be pretty to what you are trying to prove.

Around the Network
Branko2166 said:
There is more than enough room for PCs and consoles to co-exist. In fact I think they compliment each other. I love my PC-PS3 combo.


Same here but mine is 360-PC Combo.

(Predicted on 5/31/11) END of 2011 Sales - Xbox 360 = 62M;  PS3 = 59M;  Wii = 97M

richardhutnik said:
To address some of Shio's comments:
1. I spoke about computer centers in developing nations as where growth will come for PC gaming there. People there aren't at an economic level where the majority of them can afford their own PCs. So, they play in computer centers that are like arcades in the past. If tthey do happen to get a computer it most likely won't be Windows-based. With the global economy what it is, it will be interesting to see if the trend will reverse any time soon.

So you atleast admit that developed nations can be PC-centric, right? Because the vast majority of the most developed european countries are PC-centric, and I'm talking about coutries like Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland and Iceland.

richardhutnik said:

2. The reason why getting attention matters is that this part is called, MARKETING. Without marketing, the games don't nearly generate the same level of sales. This is why attention matters. On a platform like the PC, which has no barriers to entry, you will find that it is bound to get some good, obscure titles for it, just by number of developers who want to prove themselves. If, for example, Sins of A Solar Empire were not published by Stardock, it wouldn't of done nearly as well as it did. It would of been lost in the shuffle. This is why MARKETING and advertising and publishers matter. And, in this area, it is why top console games will usually do better than top PC games. They get greater advertising, for example. You boast about "oh multiple titles broke a million on the PC!". Well titles on consoles do more than that. You do get something like World of Warcraft, but the level beneath that is owned by consoles.
And this attention adds up. It is why people who design games want to get on consoles, because the market is more of a captured market, and piracy is a lesser issue, thus more sales. Your defensiveness over indie games is bordering on absurd. I am talking about the importance of marketing, and you are whining, "But but... games no one knows about are good to!". That is nice, but doesn't affect the bottom line, which is what matters from an INDUSTRY standpoint.

UGGGHHH.... 99% of PC games are NOT advertised! So by your reasoning we should completely ignore 99% of PC games?!

Audiosurf did NOT have ads, so we should say it didn't exist? King's Bounty: The Legend (great SRPG) did NOT have ads, so we should believe it didn't exist?! Galactic Civilizations 2 did NOT have ads, so we should ignore it?! Etc...

UGGHH, it like I'm talking to a wall. Why does it matter if a game has advertisement or mass appeal? Not all games need ads to be successful. And why you do think Consoles are losing exclusive games and support from small developers? It's because Console games are much more expensive, and that is making publishers hurt since the costs are so high.

What matters to the Industry is for the games to be successful, and if a game can have that with only 100k sold, then all the better. Everything you said is completely wrong.

richardhutnik said:

3. The reason for XBox Live Marketplace sales to console sales, shows why retail sales matter, and why advertising and marketing matters. There are reasons why Live sales don't match up to retail sales. It has to do with marketing. A game like Halo gets ads. It also gets into slurpies and so on. It is a cultural icon. The closest thing PCs games have is World of Warcraft, which ends up in other spots, like in Toyota Trucks. It is why you have over 11 million users, because of this cultural penetraion. This is what counts, and PC games generally don't have the same level. Thus, the consoles become the eventual destination for developers.

Do I have to explain again?! Retail has been SHIFTING to Digital Distribution and other online venues. It is evolution for PC. Why can't you understand that?

Xbox sales have NOTHING to do with PC. UGHHH...

richardhutnik said:

4. Let's see, retail sales for PC gaming was less than 1/3 of online sales. Ok, so let's say it was 1/4. PC sales clocked retail clocked in at less than 1 billion. So, multiply it times four, and you end up with PC game sales being around $4 billion (of course it is less, but let me humor you and use numbers YOU agree to). That is less that console sales. The PC market is smaller than consoles, and shows no indication of this trend reversing.

Dude, you are only comparing revenue for the US, the only Console-centric big Region in the world... Now do the same with Europe and Asia, and you'll have a big surprise.

PC probably had only like 3% at the beginning of the 80's, so one would be surprised that PC is now nearly as big as the entire console market.

richardhutnik said:

5. You ask for evidence. Go ahead and show evidence that AS A PERCENTAGE, PC gaming is gaining on consoles. Go and do it. PC games may grow, but consoles grow faster. Go ahead and show otherwise.

If you try to go here:

That isn't going to be pretty to what you are trying to prove.

What? I asked you for proof of your argument like I did with mine, and all you came up was a study about PC hardware??!! Dude, I'm talking about Software Revenue, why did you even bring up hardware... just find something about games.


shio, you apparently don't grasp the concept of the importance of advertising in marketing as it relates to consumer products, like where you buy products (retail). Apparently, in your world, things like this don't matter. You apparently don't grasp it at all. At this point, it will be pointless to continue with you on this. Most games are purchased as gifts by people, who do holiday shopping, and they buy them retail. For you, you have online sales as a grasping at straws to throw doubt on things.

Anyhow, I would suggest you do a study in Marketing 101, so you can start to grasp this, and be able to discuss this, rather than kick into defensive mode and have to resort to Autosurf and Galactic Civilization II (I bought my copy in a store) as to why marketing and advertising isn't needed. As of now, I doubt you even could begin to discuss this. So, let's consider this discussion closed at this point.

Anyone else want to discuss the future of consoles and PCs, who has a basic understanding that sales and marketing are important to game sales?

vlad321 said:
Branko2166 said:
There is more than enough room for PCs and consoles to co-exist. In fact I think they compliment each other. I love my PC-PS3 combo.


It seems like the PC-Wii is the win/win combination.


That's how I roll. Perfect blend.

"What? I asked you for proof of your argument like I did with mine, and all you came up was a study about PC hardware??!!"

Read the comments. There's a debate about the state of PC gaming, and the really articulate guy saying it's doing just great says that it's also smaller than console gaming.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!