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richardhutnik said:

Oh, one can reach for stats of "But China is growing". Yeah, developing nations where the only chance you get to play games is in computer centers that people will pay to play. They are versions of arcades from the past, with people too poor to own their own devices. If places can run pirated games on their machines, they will. Or, they will have free online games people can play and do with, ad supported. Places like this generally fold up shop in North America, unless in a MAJOR metropolitian center. And, in North America, they also have videogame systems. Gee, what a shock!

Are you calling European countries underdeveloped?! PC is huge in Europe, Asia and Oceania. It's the North-Americans that aren't "in tune" with the rest.


richardhutnik said:

So, you are looking for PC gaming to become an "out of sight, out of mind" subculture thing, that most people aren't going to mess with.   Even if the games are great, they will not get attention.

You are a piece of work. Why does it matter if a game gets attention or not? If the game is good, then it's there for people that want to play it. Again I call games like Sins of a Solar Empire and Audiosurf - are they non-factor because they don't sell that many copies?

So your reasoning is that if a game doesn't sell like 200k, then it's trash?! Oh dear... Thank god that movie critics don't think like you, or else great movies like 'No Country for Old Men' and 'Slumdog Millionaire' wouldn't be able to win awards because they're not popular enough. I bet we'd instead get the mediocre Spiderman 3 win the oscars.


richardhutnik said:

If you want to see what online sales vs retail does for games, compare online XBox Live sales to those retail.  The Retail environment sells a LOT more.  So, what you are seeing now is PC gaming is becoming a subculture online, that will compete against a LOT of other areas, like Cell phone games, and other things.

Why the Hell are you comparing Xbox Live sales with X360 retail sales?!?! Tell me!! PC Revenue has NOTHING to do with Xbox 360's Revenue!!! The Retail sells more on Consoles, but NOT on PC!!!!

You are thick - I explain you things and you just ignore them:
PC has been shifting to online for over a decade. In 2007, DFC (a tracking company like NPD) estimated that only 30% of PC's Total Revenue was from Retail. 30%!!!! That means in 2007, Retail didn't even account one third of PC's Revenue.

So tell me, how did the other 70% come to be? It certainly didn't appear out of thin air!


richardhutnik said:

And if you want to start throwing in ALL PC gaming, including subscription based models for games and massive multiplayer, XBox Live revenues can also be thrown in to.   And then, once console Massive Multiplayer games get going also, we will include those revenues into the mix also.  And you will find that PC gaming AS A PERCENTAGE of total electronic entertainment, is getting smaller.  This will be particularly true as far as revenues go from sales.  Look for more and more games attempt to go massive multiplayer and ad supported on PCs, and the industry races to the bottom in a cutthroat manner.



Dude, you still haven't shown ANY evidence to support your claim. All the figures you showed was from NPD, which was something that supported the common theory of PC being on a transition period to online from retail. And besides, Retail figures of PC games are only about less than 30% of PC's Revenue. Less than 30%!!!

How about this: Since you're so sure PC is declining, how about showing some figures that support your argument? And I mean numbers about Online, Subscriptions and Digital Distribution, which are most of PC gaming's Revenue.

I'll start with mine:

Steam Grows Over 150% in 2007
China Online Game Market Grows 76.6% in 2008 to $2.7 Billions
Subscriptions Generated $1 Billion in the US, in 2007 - more than Retail
PC Gaming Fanbase to grow to 350 millions by 2012

Your turn.