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shio, you apparently don't grasp the concept of the importance of advertising in marketing as it relates to consumer products, like where you buy products (retail). Apparently, in your world, things like this don't matter. You apparently don't grasp it at all. At this point, it will be pointless to continue with you on this. Most games are purchased as gifts by people, who do holiday shopping, and they buy them retail. For you, you have online sales as a grasping at straws to throw doubt on things.

Anyhow, I would suggest you do a study in Marketing 101, so you can start to grasp this, and be able to discuss this, rather than kick into defensive mode and have to resort to Autosurf and Galactic Civilization II (I bought my copy in a store) as to why marketing and advertising isn't needed. As of now, I doubt you even could begin to discuss this. So, let's consider this discussion closed at this point.

Anyone else want to discuss the future of consoles and PCs, who has a basic understanding that sales and marketing are important to game sales?