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Squilliam, your song sounds similar to mine. I believe it is increasingly the case of PC gamers who happened to jump the shark into consoles. You eventually get tired of the headaches of PC gaming and just want to play. Oh, you miss some things, but that missing includes compatibility headaches.

It is also a case of justifying one's own costs here. Anyone have any idea why someone would feel a need to do an upgrade to a PS3/360 level graphics for a PC, unless you want to play games? Does Internet work, or word processing need it? I guess maybe if someone wanted to edit their own videos it would be a case, but what about most needs? Stuff like email, letters, resume, doing your taxes, and working the Internet. We have hit the wall on what PCs can do for people. Shoot, one likely could do most things they need with a Linux box and Open Office. They would save more money.

So, there you go, the PC purist now faces Linux maniacs who make them feel they are inferior. And they feel the heat of people with Macs also.