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Forums - Sony Discussion - Variety: Sony fanboys starting to resemble Rush Limbaugh

TWRoO said:
blazinhead89 said:
Variety? LMAO , If you want to take them seriously , be my guest.

Isn't this post part of the problem the article talks about?



I almost fell off my chair when I read his response. LOL!!

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Non Sequor said:
I think this phenomenon is the cause of one of the biggest problems in games journalism today.

Reviewers generally don't adequately distinguish between games that are the best thing that's out right now and games that a substantial number of people will come back and play again in 20 years.

Any time a reviewer criticizes the latest sacred cow they face an enormous community backlash. The result has been that all of the larger review outlets tend to rate highly hyped games on a scale of 8 to 10.

The frothing fanbase of the sacred cow sees the outcome of this and views the reviewers who play ball as being the most trustworthy. Consider the fact that lots of people claim IGN is a highly credible source because it rated their favorite games highly while completely ignoring that it rates a ton of games that are not their favorites just as highly.

People are unwilling to listen to people who actually give an honest opinion when there are other people tell them what they want to hear.


Spot on!! Your post gets a seal of quality from me. :)

DjFlex53 said:
It's a waste of my time arguing with Sony zealots like twingo and Chichi because rationality was kicked out the door long ago. MS doesn't get the job done no different than Sony has done for 40 years. I know, Sony gets a free pass

BTW.....If you can lose your integrity and credibility for 20 an hour, you will be a cynical sot for the rest of your days.


I think you should analyze your own posts rather than mine.  I've alread ysaid twice that I conside Sony no better than MS on this matter, yet you're calling me a zealot?  I've never played a PS3, let alone owned one, and only one game on the release list is interesting to me at all (GT5).  On the other hand, I've spent plenty of time playing 360 at my mom's house and Wii at my own.  But you didn't want to guess that, cause you knew you'd either be wrogn or your whole world view would be disturbed by recognizing the turth.  You don't know what you're talking about, and between the two of us you're the clear fanboy.  I never defended Sony, yet here you are acting like your honor has been personally stained when someone points out what MS does and has always done to control markets.  Good luck with trying to convince people that you are the reputable one here.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Max King of the Wild said:
gebx that post is fail beyond belief. sw hasnt been a stronger point than the ps3 for a while now. and 360 fanboys are way aggressive too. i recommend you to go look at those messages i sent you again. acting like its just ps3 fans is silly. the reason the threads last as long as they do is because of the propaganda and ill information people like you spew.


As much as I don't like to take sides in all these fanboy discussions, I'll have to agree with him. Not about the software part. You can kill yourselves discussing that and I won't be part of it. But about the defensiveness of ps3 fanboys.

You see, vgchartz has the forum posts tab on the left side of their page. I have already noticed how the 'negative ps3 news' threads seem to light up much faster and keep doing so for much longer periods of time. It's not that the ps3 fanboys are the only defensive ones. All groups of fanboys are defensive. But I don't get it why I see their general defensiveness on a whole different level.

While this article does speak the truth I would like the author of the article to take the time to research the overall opinions of reviews on all the games edge reviews and compare them to other reviewer scores. I believe the author would discover that edge is by far overly harsh on all the games it reviews.

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Makes sense. And I kinda do agree with the article... but it feels like they're throwing a negative label on all SONY Fanboys for something that one or a select few did [or said].

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
Makes sense. And I kinda do agree with the article... but it feels like they're throwing a negative label on all SONY Fanboys for something that one or a select few did [or said].


I usually distinguish between fans and fanboys. Fanboys are never welcome in my book, no matter what console they back up. Fans are usually more enjoyable people.

seece said:
Pharaoh said:
KatinJin said:

Obviously I'm not saying Rush Limbaugh is orchestrating the "Killzone 2" backlash backlash, or that there's really any crossover between Sony fanboys and Republicans (except perhaps the fact that they've both been supporting losing causes for the past few years ).


How is Sony fanboys supporting a losing cause?  The PS3 sold faster to 20 million than the 360, and at a higher price.  It was out a year later, I don't get how people still think that the PS3 is in bad shape, its in great shape!

Oh and Obama isn't the "light" as someone called him

you know getting to 20 million first means nothing when the 360 has gained significantly on the PS3 over the last few months.


The PS3 isn't doing bad right now but it certainly isn't doing great.



The reality here is that there is a healthy demand for the PS3, 3rd party developers are heavily supporting it while making a profit, and 1st and 2nd party support have been solid and of quality.  You can compare all you want to waterdown the growing progress and successes the PS3 has enjoyed as a viable choice for consumers and gamers.  And regarless of greater Wii and 360 sales, the PS3 still offers quality and quantity.  This is good for gamers especially.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

rubido said:
Dgc1808 said:
Makes sense. And I kinda do agree with the article... but it feels like they're throwing a negative label on all SONY Fanboys for something that one or a select few did [or said].


I usually distinguish between fans and fanboys. Fanboys are never welcome in my book, no matter what console they back up. Fans are usually more enjoyable people.


Yes.  The biggest problem with this gen are the fanboys.  Fanboyism stem for insecurities, and that insecurity can be masked behind a monitor and a keyboard when going online.  I agree With Dgc1808 in that the author paints a true picture about SONY fanboys, but because they are fanboys, they are no better than Nintendo or Microsoft fanboys.  With that being said, an article that mentions one group of fanboys is ammo for the other fanboys (as proven in this thread).  Website are for infomation, not war.  The author cannot account for everyone's action, and I'm not a strong supporter of political correctness.  So articles such as this can be taken in context by gamers (not fanboys) that a select few are irrational while giving a bad name to the whole.  To bad the fanboys will run with this and make any justifications to bash the fanbase and the product they are supporting by giving gamers a bad name.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Rush Limbaugh?

Shoot yourself