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Max King of the Wild said:
gebx that post is fail beyond belief. sw hasnt been a stronger point than the ps3 for a while now. and 360 fanboys are way aggressive too. i recommend you to go look at those messages i sent you again. acting like its just ps3 fans is silly. the reason the threads last as long as they do is because of the propaganda and ill information people like you spew.


As much as I don't like to take sides in all these fanboy discussions, I'll have to agree with him. Not about the software part. You can kill yourselves discussing that and I won't be part of it. But about the defensiveness of ps3 fanboys.

You see, vgchartz has the forum posts tab on the left side of their page. I have already noticed how the 'negative ps3 news' threads seem to light up much faster and keep doing so for much longer periods of time. It's not that the ps3 fanboys are the only defensive ones. All groups of fanboys are defensive. But I don't get it why I see their general defensiveness on a whole different level.