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DjFlex53 said:
It's a waste of my time arguing with Sony zealots like twingo and Chichi because rationality was kicked out the door long ago. MS doesn't get the job done no different than Sony has done for 40 years. I know, Sony gets a free pass

BTW.....If you can lose your integrity and credibility for 20 an hour, you will be a cynical sot for the rest of your days.


I think you should analyze your own posts rather than mine.  I've alread ysaid twice that I conside Sony no better than MS on this matter, yet you're calling me a zealot?  I've never played a PS3, let alone owned one, and only one game on the release list is interesting to me at all (GT5).  On the other hand, I've spent plenty of time playing 360 at my mom's house and Wii at my own.  But you didn't want to guess that, cause you knew you'd either be wrogn or your whole world view would be disturbed by recognizing the turth.  You don't know what you're talking about, and between the two of us you're the clear fanboy.  I never defended Sony, yet here you are acting like your honor has been personally stained when someone points out what MS does and has always done to control markets.  Good luck with trying to convince people that you are the reputable one here.

You do not have the right to never be offended.