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rubido said:
Dgc1808 said:
Makes sense. And I kinda do agree with the article... but it feels like they're throwing a negative label on all SONY Fanboys for something that one or a select few did [or said].


I usually distinguish between fans and fanboys. Fanboys are never welcome in my book, no matter what console they back up. Fans are usually more enjoyable people.


Yes.  The biggest problem with this gen are the fanboys.  Fanboyism stem for insecurities, and that insecurity can be masked behind a monitor and a keyboard when going online.  I agree With Dgc1808 in that the author paints a true picture about SONY fanboys, but because they are fanboys, they are no better than Nintendo or Microsoft fanboys.  With that being said, an article that mentions one group of fanboys is ammo for the other fanboys (as proven in this thread).  Website are for infomation, not war.  The author cannot account for everyone's action, and I'm not a strong supporter of political correctness.  So articles such as this can be taken in context by gamers (not fanboys) that a select few are irrational while giving a bad name to the whole.  To bad the fanboys will run with this and make any justifications to bash the fanbase and the product they are supporting by giving gamers a bad name.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.