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Sometimes I wonder if my life is a TV show.  I just bought a TV stand for the HDTV I'm getting tomorrow.  I have to assemble it but the instructions are all in Spanish.  Now I have to go back to Wal-Mart and buy a Mexican guy!

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i get internet in my flat in SIX DAYS. absolutely cannot wait :D

top speed that isnt fibre optic (geography permitting), unlimited internet. aaaaaaaah.


and i think im getting xbl gold for my birthday on monday. so guys, i'll be sending a load of you friend requests okay?! :D

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
d21lewis said:

Sometimes I wonder if my life is a TV show.  I just bought a TV stand for the HDTV I'm getting tomorrow.  I have to assemble it but the instructions are all in Spanish.  Now I have to go back to Wal-Mart and buy a Mexican guy!

I know just the right person. Fantastic worker, highly dedicated.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Got my 1080p LED HDTV and it's fucking beautiful!  At first I was a little let down but when I hooked up my HDMI cables (only used components before--my last TV only had one HDMI port) and toyed with the settings, I was fucking floored!!  We watched Coraline on Blu-Ray and I tried to play God of War 3 (loaded my "Sex Scene Save" but somebody was coming down the hall so I shut it off, QUICK!).  I want to play some video games so badly but my GF keeps finding things for me to do.  I think she's doing this on purpose because she knows how excited I am about this TV.

trashleg said:

i get internet in my flat in SIX DAYS. absolutely cannot wait :D

top speed that isnt fibre optic (geography permitting), unlimited internet. aaaaaaaah.


and i think im getting xbl gold for my birthday on monday. so guys, i'll be sending a load of you friend requests okay?! :D

Well if you get the internet, your first month of XBL is gonna be free, anyway.  Even if you don't get XBL Gold, you can play online for a month and keep in touch with your online friends (and foes) forever!!  Be sure to send a request to d21lewis!  It's been almost two weeks since I've been accused of cheating and I'm worried.

Around the Network
Cunning_Linguist said:

So i've lost my damn ps3 controller, looked everywhere I can for the fucker. In the process thoguh I have found my psp(under the sofa), my DS ( kids toy chest!) which is a small bonus but no feckin PS3 controller. I know I could use the sixaxis but its a flimsey pos. Need ma dualshock!!!!!!!!! feckity feck feck

Most annoying thing is I have 2 hours of the house to myself with no damn kids or nagging wife and I just wanna play Fifa!

How the $$#$%# do you lose 2 portables and a PS3 controller? XD

Math, math, math, damn math keepin meh busy!

Well failed a Physics exam. 38%, a solid E. Fml.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

Xen said:
Cunning_Linguist said:

So i've lost my damn ps3 controller, looked everywhere I can for the fucker. In the process thoguh I have found my psp(under the sofa), my DS ( kids toy chest!) which is a small bonus but no feckin PS3 controller. I know I could use the sixaxis but its a flimsey pos. Need ma dualshock!!!!!!!!! feckity feck feck

Most annoying thing is I have 2 hours of the house to myself with no damn kids or nagging wife and I just wanna play Fifa!

How the $$#$%# do you lose 2 portables and a PS3 controller? XD

Math, math, math, damn math keepin meh busy!

Two children under 4 with a maxed out skill points in thievery. Found the controller btw, in my son's room under his bed....


on another note I have a  Job Interview tomorrow for a PHP Developer, quite psyched!

My life has no direction and no ambition... I simply do not know what to do. I just need to figure out a way to earn some money... Easier said than done though, when (some) social situations send me into panic attacks (especially when I'm at a loss of what to do, I panic). I sometimes wonder if it would be best to force myself to get a job that forces me to deal with people all the time. I wonder if that would cure me.

But despite this, I feel quite happy. I'm lucky to have him.

lolita said:

My life has no direction and no ambition... I simply do not know what to do. I just need to figure out a way to earn some money... Easier said than done though, when (some) social situations send me into panic attacks (especially when I'm at a loss of what to do, I panic). I sometimes wonder if it would be best to force myself to get a job that forces me to deal with people all the time. I wonder if that would cure me.

But despite this, I feel quite happy. I'm lucky to have him.

Yes, you should get a job that forces you to be around people.  I typed a long witty reply and it just vanished!   Long story, short:  I was as shy as they come in highschool, joined the military and realized I was pretty awesome.  Get a job and meet some new people.  You'll likely find that you're more amazing than you think.  Plus, sitting at home isn't going to help you improve your life, social issues, or financial issues.  Besides, if it doesn't work, you can always quit your job.