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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood's manual isn't even a manual now. It's just this fold out sheet...

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I spent two minutes on N4G and no way in hell I'm going back to that shithole. xD

Rainbird said:

I spent two minutes on N4G and no way in hell I'm going back to that shithole. xD

Don't you need an account for that, or what?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Rainbird said:

I spent two minutes on N4G and no way in hell I'm going back to that shithole. xD

Don't you need an account for that, or what?

Yeah, I went there to support the "Easy to blame VGC" article, but I couldn't be assed once I saw the amount of assholes determined that VGC is a hellhole that breeds lies and is to the industry what candy stores are to diabetics.

I just went back to pleasent, reasonable, amazing VGChartz after that.

Several things are on my mind, including:

My flimsy-ass bed, which broke the previous night... If you think that buying furniture from JC Penney is a good idea, then congratulations: you have dog shit for brains!

Thanksgiving Day, which I'm actually looking forward to (though my mom might be dreading it; she has to cook the turkey), though I don't know where I'm going to sleep come Thanksgiving weekend. (see previous thought)

Christmas Day, which has me scared to death. What will I give to my family? What will I get from said relatives? The suspense is tearing me to shreds.

My morbid obesity, which leaves people surprised that I can still walk. WHY DOES FOOD HAVE TO BE SO TASTY?!?

And my inability to sleep through the night, which can be blamed on sleep apnea as a result of the subject matter of my previous thought. Which, apparently, my Primary Care Physician will do nothing about, because he's more lazy a bastard than I am.

@ Tino Vaino-whatever: You are a good artist. But to be a great artist, you're going to have to stop worrying about what other people think about your work, and just do it to please yourself.

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

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3 days left... O_O

lolita said:

3 days left... O_O

Can't really imagine it. It has to be torturous


Bear in mind my next statement is five-hundred percent true, may i be stricken by lightning if i'm lying:

My boss asked me to print out hentai for work.


Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

allaboutthegames885 said:

Several things are on my mind, including:

My flimsy-ass bed, which broke the previous night... You are my hero!

@ Tino Vaino-whatever: You are a good artist. But to be a great artist, you're going to have to stop worrying about what other people think about your work, and just do it to please yourself.  Very good advice which I hope she follows

Mr Khan said:

Bear in mind my next statement is five-hundred percent true, may i be stricken by lightning if i'm lying:

My boss asked me to print out hentai for work.


I don't want to know why.

Actually, I do. Why?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective