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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Gaming system do you LOVE with a Bloody Passion?


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Wii, and though I sold it, GameCube.

N64 I would love if it were not so ugly.


The PS2, endless hours of fun and excitement for me.

I CAN'T CHOOSE. All my Ninty consoles are up there D:

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Super Nintendo Entertainment System or Nintendo DS!


If i can only make one choice then its my Sega megadrive.

SNES, Dreamcast, N64, NES, Genesis. I love all 5 of these and they're in order of Really LOVE to just love.

Pixel Art can be fun.

These threads are not as compelling as you think they are......

I don't have one but I use my PS3 alot more than any previous console(movies, internet, tv shows, music, photos)

As far as games go it would be a tossup between the Gamecube, DS, PS2, or PS1

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