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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official July (USA) NPD Thread (Data should be in by 6:30 PM August 23)

A comparision with last month's NPD (adjusted for the difference in weeks) gives this:

Wii ...... +33%
DS ......... -7%
PS2 ...... +4%
PSP .... +11%
X360 .... +8%
PS3 .. +108%
GBA ....... -1%

Reality has a Nintendo bias.
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@turin: they do; it won't happen immediately, and it won't match NPD exactly, but corrections will come.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.
Diomedes1976 said:
Psycho1984 said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Well ,183K for the 360 so yes it has been undertraked

So ,360 undertracked by nearly 50K .
PS3 allright .
Wii undertracked by another 50K .
DS overtracked.
PS2 spot on.
PSP very close but a bit overtracked.

What I see is a wild difference in the software numbers .I mean ,for example the PS3 title we have seen that is the one that interest me the most ...NCAA Football did in the PS3 159 000 units only in July and the charts show it at only 125K at 18th August the game charts need some adjustement .

PS:Luzillo si dije fue porque otros meses pasaba exactamente al reves ,daban los datos de 360 los de NPD y habia que revisar a la baja.

Euh, guys, do you think that we can't understand you because you speak spanish?  I don't get it, it would be much more interesting to have it in english.


Ne soyez pas des poules mouillées et dites le en anglais :P


Si tu comprends ce que nous disons on espagnol pourquoi tu veux que on parle on anglais ?De toutes façon si tu veux je le dirai en anglais .

Here Luzillo was laughing at me saying that he remembers me saying in other occasions that the site overtracks the 360 and undertracks the PS3 somewhat.I just responded him that if I did that it was because in prior months it was the contrary to this one ,once the NPD data was in the vgchartz 360 numbers were somewhat high and the PS3 ones slighty under.Thats all .

 Well in any case ioi will make the appropiate corrections as always .

The message was more directed toward Luzillo, Diomedes1976 ;)  I asked because not a lot of people understands spanish, and I include myself in it, I took one course 6 years ago and I can understand basic spanish, but everything was not clear in that ;)  Thanks for the translation, and I'm happy to see that you understood my last sentence, it's nice to see some people who can speak French ^^

 And about the numbers................................Could not be happier :P  I can't even start to imagine what it will look like with MP3 in America, and SMG and SSBB in 3 months!

turin said:
I'm new here, and I just want to ask, What does Vgchartz do when they overstimate or understimate numbers for the consoles sales??? They adjust their numbers with the ones given by NPD??? If no, they should do that, because NPD is a reliable source

Absolutely, turin. If it becomes clear that figures are off, they are adjusted. This means that monthly totals may vary by 5-15 percent, but the lifetime totals are quite accurate. In fact, look here:

As of the end of June 2007, Sony's official tracking of PS3 sales was less than 1 percent different than VGChartz' for it's lifetime. 

In other words, the monthly sales are pretty accurate. 5-15 percent off is the norm now. The lifetime sales are very accurate.">">

NPD is a reliable source.

But look at the worldwide breakdowns:

Wii gets ~35-40% of sales from the Americas.

360 gets ~60-65% of sales from the Americas.

PS3 gets ~40-45% of sales from the Americas.

That means for July the 'discrpency between professional tracking agencies' breaks down like this:

PS3 was 3% different from NPD.  .40 x .03 = 1.2% difference - not worth changing given NPD's sampling has roughly 3-5% margin of error by my estimates.  Overall - this is a 7k/4200k difference!  Not a big deal (1/10 of 1% adjustment if it was adjusted for overall totals).

For simplicity, say Wii was 21% different from NPD in July.  .21 x 3/8 = 7.875% difference.  Might be worth bumping up a bit, but the figures are still very close worldwide 85k/10570k (8/10 of 1% adjustment if it was adjusted for overall totals) 

360 -  .26 x .625 = 16.25%.   Again, the totals are close worldwide 47k/10520k (4/10 of 1% adjustment if it was adjusted for overall totals)

In other words, there may not be a need for a bump if ioi sees it as I do. 

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

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Final gif for the night ...


johnsobas said:
Wii 425 k
Nintendo DS 405 k

... And I'm spent.

Ok Thanks to KruzeS and Bodhesatva, if a console's lifetime sales are accurate, then that is what matters to me, now i can trust in Vgchartz.

Realistically speaking, the accuracy of NPD is probably in the range of (+/-)2.5% 19 times out of 20 whereas vgcharts is probably in the range of(+/-) 10% 9 times out of 10 ... What this means is that vgcharts will always end up with a few consoles which are quite a bit different than NPDs data but (on the whole) should get somewhat close and be very usefull in determining the approximate ratio of how two consoles are selling or how games are selling.

Honestly ioi doesn't have the resources to track data like NPD does so you're always going to have to accept a certain ammount of error ...

The fact is that this really shouldn't matter all that much, most people are hear to discuss more about how consoles are selling in comparison to each other (and historical sales) and the charts ioi gives us are plenty good enough.


I'm a little sick of VGC apologists. You can torture the numbers however you want, but the fact is, there were a lot of horrible estimates 6 months ago, and a lot of horrible estimates today.

For a while now, I've been mostly ignoring VGC's weekly NA figures. Almost every feature on this site is awesome, but the weekly numbers remain worthless for all but the most casual observation.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

shams said:

Either way, its another fantastic month for Ninty. 900k hardware sold, Sony has around 600k - and MS around 150k. You can still see who the small player is.



Usually I enjoy your posts, but this statement is kind of skewed.  You are comparing Handhelds plus consoles to consoles only.  Nintendo still owns supreme, though.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.