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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm so disappointed - RE5 Demo

Shadowblind said:
el_rika said:
Learn to play the game. It seems you kinda suck. 


 Basically, yeah.You need more practice with it.

You can't expect to be able to just pick up a Resident Evil game on a system you've never played it on and expect it to easy. 360 felt natural to me because shooters fit fantastic on 360 controller, and I've used it alot.

For those of you whining about it not being scary: Neither was Resi 4. I don't see the problem there :/

for me also, depends on the person i guess, i remember that my friend threw controller at me when he approached the village in RE4.



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SHMUPGurus said:

The controls are fine! The only thing they need to tweak is the fact that you should be able to walk while aiming. Make it more like Gears of War, please!

Also, there are 4 controller types, INCLUDING the old one in RE4. You can also tweak the aiming sensitivity! So please people, stop complaining about them!

- You're not meant to kill the executioner.
- There are WAY too many zombies in this part of the game. It's a DEMO.

Good you people will complain about ANYTHING, I swear...! >_>


Welcome to the internet.

Don't worry tehsage, I fully agree with you.

It's a silly game, developed by japanese people that think everyone is wtfhardcore, and thus alienating themselves from the more casual audience.

Now I don't consider myself a bad gamer, but the game takes way too much effort to play it properly. The game itself feels very slow.

I bought uncharted and RE2 today, and then i went to download the demo. I played it 15 mins with my friend, shut it down because we were both very disappointed and angry with the game, and went playing the much more beautiful and greater Uncharted. And that's a launch game.

Thank god for demos, this saved me some money.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Jesus, RE 4 really screwed with the series, as seen by people complaining about scarce ammo

You know, the game once was an survival horror, where the point was not going rambo on the zombies, but to try and survive with what you have, and that's what made the games good. In fact, only part i liked in RE 4 was at the village in the beginning of the game where there's little ammo and a lot of zombies. As a action game, RE sucks.

I'm willing to give another shot at the demo later because of this, but damn, the controllers are really REALLY crap

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

well I've got it DLing now and I'm fairly excited. It's getting alot of negative feedback on teh intarwebs, but I'm still very interested. I'm about as die hard RE fan as it gets have started waaay back on the original RE1 on PSX with the live action intro (so sweet) and never having missed on to this point. I know the series and it's flaws, and I loved RE4 inspite of/because of it's updates, so I'll be very interested to see how this fairs.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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There's no way this is as hard as the OP is claiming. here's a couple tips (don't read below if you want to figure this out for yourself)

After the executioner rips open a hole in the wall, jump through the window, head through the broken gates, to the left and up the ladder. the executioner cannot get up there, just fight off the other baddies. Knife anyone who tries to climb up.

the chainsaw guy wasn't too bad. I beat it on my third try with some random dude online. As he gets near you, run away, do a quick 180, blast him until he is stunned... melee, and repeat. Explosive barrels help as well.


I'd also suggest changing it to the "Type A" (aka RE4) control scheme as it isn't default in the north american versions, apparantly.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

tehsage said:
GLoRySoGLoRy said:
tehsage said:
kutasek said:
Lol, is it another RE5 sucks because it's not a wii tread.




And no. I'm not saying it's bad because it's not on the Wii. I'm saying it's bad because it's bad.


 No your gaming skill is just Bad.

you shouldnt be even playing an anolog controler. What games were you playing last gen? have you played RE4 with a GC controler?


Nice grammar skills :3


Anyway, as I've stated before, I played RE4 on the freakin Wii. After that, I attempted to play RE4 on the GCN and it was awkward. 


No need to insult me because I don't like the controller scheme.

Why did you download RE5 demo when your not use to analog controller? 

what were you thinking?

honestly i know what you were thinking.Just be thankful that a mod is keeping an eye on me. 




ameratsu said:

There's no way this is as hard as the OP is claiming. here's a couple tips (don't read below if you want to figure this out for yourself)


I'm claiming he's hard because I'm not used to the controls/I don't like them. 


And like anyone would just off the bat think to do what you posted.

GLoRySoGLoRy said:
tehsage said:
GLoRySoGLoRy said:
tehsage said:
kutasek said:
Lol, is it another RE5 sucks because it's not a wii tread.




And no. I'm not saying it's bad because it's not on the Wii. I'm saying it's bad because it's bad.


 No your gaming skill is just Bad.

you shouldnt be even playing an anolog controler. What games were you playing last gen? have you played RE4 with a GC controler?


Nice grammar skills :3


Anyway, as I've stated before, I played RE4 on the freakin Wii. After that, I attempted to play RE4 on the GCN and it was awkward. 


No need to insult me because I don't like the controller scheme.

Why did you download RE5 demo when your not use to analog controller? 

what were you thinking?

honestly i know what you were thinking.Just be thankful that a mod is keeping an eye on me.'re pretty cool, you know that? I've used an analog controller many times in gaming. I do own a N64, PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, GCN, PS3, and 360. I'm not saying I suck with an analog controller. I'm saying I'm not used to gameplay like this with an analog controller. Feels awkward imo.


No need to threaten me btw. :3

What control scheme were you using? I've heard the default "Type D" is pretty awful. Play through it a couple more times to see if that helps. It might just not be your thing, which is fine.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka