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There's no way this is as hard as the OP is claiming. here's a couple tips (don't read below if you want to figure this out for yourself)

After the executioner rips open a hole in the wall, jump through the window, head through the broken gates, to the left and up the ladder. the executioner cannot get up there, just fight off the other baddies. Knife anyone who tries to climb up.

the chainsaw guy wasn't too bad. I beat it on my third try with some random dude online. As he gets near you, run away, do a quick 180, blast him until he is stunned... melee, and repeat. Explosive barrels help as well.


I'd also suggest changing it to the "Type A" (aka RE4) control scheme as it isn't default in the north american versions, apparantly.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka