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Forums - Sales Discussion - Are people here really this biased or just messing around?

Of course it does, have you forgotten those insane LBP, R2, R&C, Uncharted first week sales that have been posted for the last year? Still it is amusing to watch all the spin afterward.

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scottie said:
kowenicki said:
It isnt some people... its a lot of people... but in the end it will just be a lot of people who are wrong.

You have to understand that this site has fewer 360 fans (fanboys) than either the PS3 or Wii. The PS3 will always come out well on this site in terms of sales predictions and most wanted and user review polls... so yeah.. its biased. But most people have a bias of some kind in all things in life. You do get some ridiculous results and comments as a result though. (i.e. <33m cosoles sold by end of 2010)

its no big problem really.... actually its good fun when they are all so wrong over and over and over and over and... you get the idea......


What platform do you game on the most?

DS 185 6.63%
PC 192 6.88%
PS3 1,024 36.69%
PSP 53 1.90%
Wii 662 23.72%
XBOX 360 675 24.18%

that's an excellent example in how internet gamers are the hugest minority out of all gamers and no matter how huge internet hype it does not equal sucess.

Wasn't there a survey done and showed PS2 was most gamed followed by Wii and so on, and PS3 was barely being played at all.  And on here the most played is PS3 by a big margin.  


Yes, I am a Game-ist. I purposely vote for the PS3 and xBox360 to only sell 10 copies this year! The voice inside my head says if i do that it'll come true!!

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

cant it be both.... granted I take the pole at face value and honesty for this site. but other polls i have not been so nice to especially the people who confront you in the mall or when leaving a store.... maybe thats why kmart painted their stores orange and did not renovate them..... well they are closed now so who cares

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

What's interesting is that for both Wii and 360, their __ or fewer selection is the dominant choice (especially for Wii). PS3 however, has a very moderate and even dominant choice (although its __ or fewer choice is the second most used).

Also, it's interesting that PS3 has the most votes. And going by the poll that Scottie posted above, it really seems that the majority of our guests that visit are PS3 fans. I find this interesting, as PS3 is in 3rd place right now. You'd think that more  Wii fans would be visiting the site because of the plethora of sales, or that more 360 fans would visit because of their current lead over the rival HD console.

How many units will the 360 have sold by January 1, 2010?

33 million units or fewer. 325 23.48%
34-35 million. 235 16.98%
36-37 million. 281 20.30%
38-39 million. 275 19.87%
40-41 million. 146 10.55%
42 million or more. 122 8.82%

How many units will the PS3 have sold by January 1, 2010?

25 million units or fewer. 356 18.18%
26-27 million. 289 14.76%
28-29 million. 350 17.88%
30-31 million. 436 22.27%
32-33 million. 200 10.21%
34 million or more. 327 16.70%

How many units will the Wii have sold by January 1, 2010?

70 million or fewer. 566 33.47%
71-73 million. 241 14.25%
74-76 million. 325 19.22%
77-78 million. 152 8.99%
79-80 million. 92 5.44%
81 million or more. 315 18.63%

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lol, asks the person with the username "HALOOOOOO"

Smeags said:

What's interesting is that for both Wii and 360, their __ or fewer selection is the dominant choice (especially for Wii). PS3 however, has a very moderate and even dominant choice (although its __ or fewer choice is the second most used).

Also, it's interesting that PS3 has the most votes. And going by the poll that Scottie posted above, it really seems that the majority of our guests that visit are PS3 fans. I find this interesting, as PS3 is in 3rd place right now. You'd think that more  Wii fans would be visiting the site because of the plethora of sales, or that more 360 fans would visit because of their current lead over the rival HD console.


How many units will the 360 have sold by January 1, 2010?

33 million units or fewer. 325 23.48%
34-35 million. 235 16.98%
36-37 million. 281 20.30%
38-39 million. 275 19.87%
40-41 million. 146 10.55%
42 million or more. 122 8.82%


How many units will the PS3 have sold by January 1, 2010?

25 million units or fewer. 356 18.18%
26-27 million. 289 14.76%
28-29 million. 350 17.88%
30-31 million. 436 22.27%
32-33 million. 200 10.21%
34 million or more. 327 16.70%

How many units will the Wii have sold by January 1, 2010?

70 million or fewer. 566 33.47%
71-73 million. 241 14.25%
74-76 million. 325 19.22%
77-78 million. 152 8.99%
79-80 million. 92 5.44%
81 million or more. 315 18.63%

could it be 360 users, and wii users are too busy playing games.... I normally a, but enjoying off time between sessions.... also TV sucks...


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:

could it be 360 users, and wii users are too busy playing games.... I normally a, but enjoying off time between sessions.... also TV sucks...



Oh god....not that idiotic theory again, when will people learn?


there are some very biased people here, but usually when ti comes to sales of consoles people try and guess accurately.

Well, I voted 38-39 million. Thats what I think except M$ drops the price again.

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