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Forums - Website Topics - Internet Explorer 8 Beta makes VGChartz faster!

xlost7 said:

No it isn't//lol//Firefox 3 was my primary but my cousin only uses IE on his desktop. But after seeing how fast IE was on his PC. I decided to download the beta myself and bro, it certainly is a huge improvement over IE7. I mean its slicker more designed and faster. I'm surprised how I enjoy it so much

I mean seriously its no where near on par with Firefox 3. I mean Firefox is by far the best browser and I will put Safari up there but Safari just has some issues when trying to get on my job corperate site & college website.

So I prefer IE8 Beta right now. I got the RC1 edition. They are just releasing the finishing touches to the community right now. They should of made it kinda a mandatory update for Windows.


They will make it a "recommended" update for Windows once it comes out, meaning almost everyone will download it unless they select not to. Personally, I think Firefox 3 is a bad browser. I loved FF1 and FF2, but it lost what made it great. Now it's bloated and filled with features I don't need. 


xlost7 said:
Exactly they are improving. I hope Windows 7 is a better OS than Vista. Vista was released to early to the public in my opinion..

I run Server 2008 workstations at work and just upgraded to Windows 7 beta at home. I would never use a beta OS for work at home, but Windows 7 is the best version of Windows yet. Server 2008 can be properly configured to be what Vista should have been. Rock solid stability and performance. Windows 7 brings that to the mainstream, something which pleases me greatly. This may be the first time I use a consumer OS at home. I usually use enterprise OSes.

Good news Everyone!

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If it's not as good as Firefox, I say any upgrade is pointless.

Hell, the PS3 browser is better than IE7 (or so Sony claim...)

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I was mainly Firefox user but for the past month I have been using IE8 beta (actually it's a release candidate now) and I am really surprise at how good it is.

I try google chrome but I didn't really like it.

I hope the IE8 ends up being as good as the IE8 beta. Fire Fox works much better than IE for loading up sites but downloads IE is better.

Kantor said:
If it's not as good as Firefox, I say any upgrade is pointless.

Hell, the PS3 browser is better than IE7 (or so Sony claim...)


For me I'd say so, IE7 is rather slow for some reason, and Sony's browser keeps up with it and blocks more ads :P though I mainly use my PS3 browser to watch my Bleach online lol so there's only a couple of sites I use.

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i will stick to firefox until i get a certain "plus" program. onm ie 8