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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "The Conduit is generic"

frybread said:

What sets The Conduit apart?

The best controls for a home console FPS.

People say The Conduit would be ignored on PS360. I disagree - if it came with a pointing device, it would sell like crazy.

Ahh, so you've played it? Tell us, is it better with or without the zapper? What was your favorite control scheme? I have so many questions!




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Ari_Gold said:
Soriku said:
Barozi said:
Naum said:
Generetic?? please give me a PS360 FPS with the amount of costumised controles like The Counduit...

Graphics isn't everything you know, hell I rather take controles over graphics any day of the week.

Who said anything about graphics ? We're talking about the story


And...FPS games don't have good stories.

and tales of symphonia does?


yes, i'm sure it has a better and more original story than most FPS.


Yeah, generic probably isn't the best word. Outdated, maybe.

It just looks so... bad compared to the shooters we've been plaing for the last 2 years. And I'm not just talking about graphics.

I'll take that with a side of fries.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

frybread said:

What sets The Conduit apart?

The best controls for a home console FPS.

People say The Conduit would be ignored on PS360. I disagree - if it came with a pointing device, it would sell like crazy.



Opinion =/= fact. Wierd right? Haha


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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KylieDog said:
The_vagabond7 said:

For example. Look at the latest develop diary. Keep in mind, this is the PR. This is what they are bragging about bringing to the table.

He talks about advanced AI like "backing away from the player" and "dodging by running to the right or to the left" and "throwing grenades". Well I guess in turok, enemies didn't ever back up.

Enemies have more than one death animation too!

Or talking about how the music changes at different points in the level, or the music changing when you solve a puzzle!



It's not accused of being generic for it's story, or art direction. Those aren't bad. It's because they are hyping the kind of game you'd expect to play on PC in 2002. It's just not the modern vein of FPS. Which again, doesn't make it bad. It just doesn't bring in much excitement.

Oh my. That's one funny video. This stuff is just kinda assumed to be in good FPS these days.


Although, I do like the customization of your Dead Zone. That's looks like a very good move by HVS.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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It's a FPS, of course it's generic in many ways, that's what the genre is, hold a gun, shoot things, shoot things by yourself, shoot things with friends, shoot your friends' faces off online or offline, shoot random strangers' faces off online, IT'S A FPS! THEY ARE ALL GENERIC! THERE HAS BEEN NOTHING NEW IN THE GENRE FOR YEARS, not Halo, not Resistance, not KZ2, not CoD! AND I'M STILL GOING TO BUY IT JUST BECAUSE I CAN! GET OVER YOURSELVES!

Shadowblind said:
frybread said:

What sets The Conduit apart?

The best controls for a home console FPS.

People say The Conduit would be ignored on PS360. I disagree - if it came with a pointing device, it would sell like crazy.



Opinion =/= fact. Wierd right? Haha



Only well practiced dual-analogue gamers would prefer dual analogue though. Dual analogue control exists as the best compromise between the PC's mouse and keyboard control, and living room console gaming for FPS's. It is not and will not ever be superior to mouse and keyboard, simply because the physical movements you make with M+K are larger, making it easier for your brain to communicate exact actions you want to perform to the console. Longtime players will eventually be able to compensate, but it's a hurdle not a beneficial feature to the gameplay. This has been proven by the fact that in games that pit PC gamers versus console gamers, the dual analogue players are given a health boost to compensate.

Wii-mote control is even better than mouse and keyboard, despite what even many Wii enthusiast reviewers say. The reason is because it is a more direct, intuitive and tactile form of control. It has the least barriers to entry and has the potential to match the accuracy of mouse and keyboard.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Most FPS's are generic, doesnt make them bad. I disagree with many of the examples you provided, Halo may have generic gameplay, but it added many features that helped to strengthen FPS's on the console. Escpecially online play.

Demotruk said:
Shadowblind said:
frybread said:

What sets The Conduit apart?

The best controls for a home console FPS.

People say The Conduit would be ignored on PS360. I disagree - if it came with a pointing device, it would sell like crazy.



Opinion =/= fact. Wierd right? Haha



Only well practiced dual-analogue gamers would prefer dual analogue though. Dual analogue control exists as the best compromise between the PC's mouse and keyboard control, and living room console gaming for FPS's. It is not and will not ever be superior to mouse and keyboard, simply because the physical movements you make with M+K are larger, making it easier for your brain to communicate exact actions you want to perform to the console. Longtime players will eventually be able to compensate, but it's a hurdle not a beneficial feature to the gameplay. This has been proven by the fact that in games that pit PC gamers versus console gamers, the dual analogue players are given a health boost to compensate.

Wii-mote control is even better than mouse and keyboard, despite what even many Wii enthusiast reviewers say. The reason is because it is a more direct, intuitive and tactile form of control. It has the least barriers to entry and has the potential to match the accuracy of mouse and keyboard.


that will only hold true once motion+ comes out to make the control response 1:1, before that, keyboard and mouse is still the better combo, hopefully that will be out before conduit is because that's always been my main problem with the wii control in FPS.