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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Disaster: Day of Crisis

Hey doesn't that guy post on this site!


"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

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KylieDog said:
Valkyria00 said:
Well not hype but on the forums people mentioned it as one of the games to look out for and that its looked amazing one of the core games and blah blah blah when it reality it looked terrible. From gameplay to graphics it just looked bad. At least in my eyes.


It is a good game, it just didn't sell well.  Not surprised giving it was snuck out a release with no advertising whatsoever.

I wasnt talking about sales....

Yea ive heard good things but I dunno know the gameplay Ive seen has not convinced me. Great concept I'll give it that.


theRepublic said:
Undying said:
Wait...its out?

It has not been released in the US, and no release date has been set (see my sig).  I'm hoping for a 2009 release.

Europe is supposed to be the test run. If it doesn't sell well here it won't get a US release; and it isn't selling well here.

It´s one of the best games I´ve played on the Wii. The atmosphere and overall

mood in the game is great.

Pick it up if you have a chance, you won´t regret it.


The really should come out in the US at some point, it would always be some 100 k of extra sales i believe.

The game itself, like most said, is not one of those AAA titles that really excel at something, but it is most definitaly a game that i can reccomend since it's engaging and has a couple concepts that pulled of quite nicely. Obviously the beginning of the game isn't particularly hard but that's to be expected, later on it does get better and better.

This did recieve good reviews and for a very good reason, easily one of the better Wii games in the action genre. About the graphics, sure that it isn't HD but it's not an eyesore by any means, so really people should stop pouting.

Ps. if not liking the intro's conversation is any reason to give up on a game, then that's really pathetic. Going by this, no one would buy most of the final fantasy series, not to mention games like DMC and MGS (those games had a lot of over the top moments as far as talking goes).

If i lose access to this profile as well....I'm done with this site.....You've been warned!!.....whoever you are...

Happy Wii60 user. Me and my family are a perfect example of where hardcore meets casual and together mutate into something awesome.

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Hey, I'm a consumer. I can dislike a product for whatever reason I want. And, terrible acting and dialogue is one of the reasons gaming has found it hard to hit mainstream, most people are used to higher quality acting and writing and will just laugh at most games and not give them a chance.

I've given many many games a chance after the terrible acting and writing put me off, Tales of Symphonia's early scenes are almost unbearably bad, and I stuck through that. The dialogue in Trauma Centre 2 is so melodramatic that it actually hampers the game, I have to skip through it to encourage anyone to play co-op with me in it. But, by continuing to accept this quality of acting in products, I'm not exactly giving them an incentive to improve.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Yea, the game had high expectations of what it COULD be but it fell short of those significantly.

It's definately a great game. The only things that basically annoys, is the huge variation in graphical quality ingame. The background objects usually lool really good, but cars especially look like being ripped from GT64 (only with worse texturing), i actually have wondered if they were planning to licence the cars from manufacturers, but due to last minute change decided to skip that and put out early consept models and the tutorial part in the beginning.

Basically the game has 4 types of gameplay; 3rd person exploration, "lightgun shooter" fighting, driving and "action", that is usually done with shaking the Wii Remote, pointing or timing the shaking to either save people or to run away something. Then between the levels you can buy and upgrade weapons, unlock weapons in shooting range and upgrade Ray using the BP/SP you've earned during the levels. You also get "ranks" depending what you did on the level.

The advancing part of the game is done by the 3rd person view, while the other stuff is basically to solve the problems you encounter.
Since the game doesn't practically have a single puzzle in it (two levels require you to find a certain route though) and there's no backtracing, it's pretty straightforward game, which fits it pretty good, since it's very actionpaced game.
And, i'd love to a racing game from Monolith, the driving parts were done extremely well.

The bossfights are mostly shooting a guy that attacks you or vehicles, while few bosses require you to beat the boss in some other way.

The story is great for it taking the character into another action from one, otherwise pretty standard videogames/hollywood movie story. The voice acting is pretty good in general with few gems, like Raymond Bryce and the third one in command from the bad guys.
Ray is one of the best written characters i've seen in videogames, you can clearly see that the game comes from a JRPG developer.

The game took me a little less than ten hours to beat, but there's a lot of new stuff to achieve on the second round, such as alternate ending, the asteroid shooting range, new challenges, outfits (and you can continue with the character/weapons upgrades you got in the first round), so beating the game 100% should take a while.

It's a great game indeed, but since it combines a number of types of gameplay, it propably splits opinions.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I really love it. The driving is a lot of fun and very accurate. The Story may be stolen by various Movies (The Rock) and feels a little bit flat sometimes but it also has some nice things in it. The graphics are a mixed bag. Sometimes really great and sometimes just okay. But the atmosphere overall can't be easily reproduced. The only negative thing for me is that it is way too short (and some few lightgun parts feel tacked on to stretch the game, but only a few). With double the length it would've gotten 10/10, so it's 8.5. I had a lot of fun and loved to watch it and that's all that counts. Maybe the sales aren't that big but I hope, NA will see a release just for some people who will really like this game like me :)

“And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.” -Terry Pratchett