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The really should come out in the US at some point, it would always be some 100 k of extra sales i believe.

The game itself, like most said, is not one of those AAA titles that really excel at something, but it is most definitaly a game that i can reccomend since it's engaging and has a couple concepts that pulled of quite nicely. Obviously the beginning of the game isn't particularly hard but that's to be expected, later on it does get better and better.

This did recieve good reviews and for a very good reason, easily one of the better Wii games in the action genre. About the graphics, sure that it isn't HD but it's not an eyesore by any means, so really people should stop pouting.

Ps. if not liking the intro's conversation is any reason to give up on a game, then that's really pathetic. Going by this, no one would buy most of the final fantasy series, not to mention games like DMC and MGS (those games had a lot of over the top moments as far as talking goes).

If i lose access to this profile as well....I'm done with this site.....You've been warned!!.....whoever you are...

Happy Wii60 user. Me and my family are a perfect example of where hardcore meets casual and together mutate into something awesome.