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I really love it. The driving is a lot of fun and very accurate. The Story may be stolen by various Movies (The Rock) and feels a little bit flat sometimes but it also has some nice things in it. The graphics are a mixed bag. Sometimes really great and sometimes just okay. But the atmosphere overall can't be easily reproduced. The only negative thing for me is that it is way too short (and some few lightgun parts feel tacked on to stretch the game, but only a few). With double the length it would've gotten 10/10, so it's 8.5. I had a lot of fun and loved to watch it and that's all that counts. Maybe the sales aren't that big but I hope, NA will see a release just for some people who will really like this game like me :)

“And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.” -Terry Pratchett