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It's definately a great game. The only things that basically annoys, is the huge variation in graphical quality ingame. The background objects usually lool really good, but cars especially look like being ripped from GT64 (only with worse texturing), i actually have wondered if they were planning to licence the cars from manufacturers, but due to last minute change decided to skip that and put out early consept models and the tutorial part in the beginning.

Basically the game has 4 types of gameplay; 3rd person exploration, "lightgun shooter" fighting, driving and "action", that is usually done with shaking the Wii Remote, pointing or timing the shaking to either save people or to run away something. Then between the levels you can buy and upgrade weapons, unlock weapons in shooting range and upgrade Ray using the BP/SP you've earned during the levels. You also get "ranks" depending what you did on the level.

The advancing part of the game is done by the 3rd person view, while the other stuff is basically to solve the problems you encounter.
Since the game doesn't practically have a single puzzle in it (two levels require you to find a certain route though) and there's no backtracing, it's pretty straightforward game, which fits it pretty good, since it's very actionpaced game.
And, i'd love to a racing game from Monolith, the driving parts were done extremely well.

The bossfights are mostly shooting a guy that attacks you or vehicles, while few bosses require you to beat the boss in some other way.

The story is great for it taking the character into another action from one, otherwise pretty standard videogames/hollywood movie story. The voice acting is pretty good in general with few gems, like Raymond Bryce and the third one in command from the bad guys.
Ray is one of the best written characters i've seen in videogames, you can clearly see that the game comes from a JRPG developer.

The game took me a little less than ten hours to beat, but there's a lot of new stuff to achieve on the second round, such as alternate ending, the asteroid shooting range, new challenges, outfits (and you can continue with the character/weapons upgrades you got in the first round), so beating the game 100% should take a while.

It's a great game indeed, but since it combines a number of types of gameplay, it propably splits opinions.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

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