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Forums - Gaming Discussion - “Xbox 360 is not ahead by a million units,” PS3 now market’s number 2, says Reeves

When MS' executives talk about sales they ALWAYS mention charttrack , when reeves talks he pulls numbers out of his ass.

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Phrancheyez said:
What he means is, had 360 not dropped their price, PS3 would have outsold it. Now yes, 360 did drop the price, and yes, they outsold their competitor pretty well. 360 is exhausting it's strategies..after this year, I highly doubt the 360 will outsell the PS3 for a full month ever again.

*que the xbots*

Sony has a lot more they can do in this console war at this point BECAUSE they haven't dropped their price. MS is running out of options, because when Sony lowers their price, the only thing MS will be able to do is add accessories to their consoles...the public at large isn't going to care as much as they think. I'm not saying it won't help's just not going to have near the impact that Sony will have with their price cuts.


I'm sorry why are you an Xbot if you think the Xbox can outsell the PS3 for at least a month after this year?



TRios_Zen said:
honestly NOT trying to rain on your parade (I don't think Sony is dying or anything stupid like that)

Its so funny that one must say this or he will be hater or something. :D

Anyway... Current trend is that X360 is selling more. Gap isn't wide in Europe, thats true, but still especially in Europe PS3 costs way too much. For example its 400€($511!) here. If there won't be any price drops soon, even Mohammed won't be able to keep it up.

*oops* I forgot,

And I am not for doom sony doom... I am for DOOM SONY & MS DOOM! Buahahahaha....

seece said:
Phrancheyez said:
What he means is, had 360 not dropped their price, PS3 would have outsold it. Now yes, 360 did drop the price, and yes, they outsold their competitor pretty well. 360 is exhausting it's strategies..after this year, I highly doubt the 360 will outsell the PS3 for a full month ever again.

*que the xbots*

Sony has a lot more they can do in this console war at this point BECAUSE they haven't dropped their price. MS is running out of options, because when Sony lowers their price, the only thing MS will be able to do is add accessories to their consoles...the public at large isn't going to care as much as they think. I'm not saying it won't help's just not going to have near the impact that Sony will have with their price cuts.


I'm sorry why are you an Xbot if you think the Xbox can outsell the PS3 for at least a month after this year?



Didn't say that...*que the xbots* means that statement will piss off a lot of I wrong?  Anything pro-PS3's common sense=P  

joshin69 said:
Killerman, it ws released in november here in the UK so i would unfix that


No it wasn't. It was released at the same time in UK as in other Europe.

Around the Network

Dammit, Sony. This time, they spun it so hard that they hurt my neck. Hey OP! How about a "Warning: Sony Spin" disclaimer in the thread title next time?

d21lewis said:
Dammit, Sony. This time, they spun it so hard that they hurt my neck. Hey OP! How about a "Warning: Sony Spin" disclaimer in the thread title next time?

Classic post as usual d2.






Phrancheyez said:
seece said:
Phrancheyez said:
What he means is, had 360 not dropped their price, PS3 would have outsold it. Now yes, 360 did drop the price, and yes, they outsold their competitor pretty well. 360 is exhausting it's strategies..after this year, I highly doubt the 360 will outsell the PS3 for a full month ever again.

*que the xbots*

Sony has a lot more they can do in this console war at this point BECAUSE they haven't dropped their price. MS is running out of options, because when Sony lowers their price, the only thing MS will be able to do is add accessories to their consoles...the public at large isn't going to care as much as they think. I'm not saying it won't help's just not going to have near the impact that Sony will have with their price cuts.


I'm sorry why are you an Xbot if you think the Xbox can outsell the PS3 for at least a month after this year?



Didn't say that...*que the xbots* means that statement will piss off a lot of I wrong?  Anything pro-PS3's common sense=P  

Oh right, well I guess thats fair comment. Vice verser for any fanboy.


However If you think Microsoft are "exhausting" all their strategies then IMO you're wrong.



d21lewis said:
Dammit, Sony. This time, they spun it so hard that they hurt my neck. Hey OP! How about a "Warning: Sony Spin" disclaimer in the thread title next time?



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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Deneidez said:
TRios_Zen said:
honestly NOT trying to rain on your parade (I don't think Sony is dying or anything stupid like that)

Its so funny that one must say this or he will be hater or something. :D

Anyway... Current trend is that X360 is selling more. Gap isn't wide in Europe, thats true, but still especially in Europe PS3 costs way too much. For example its 400?($511!) here. If there won't be any price drops soon, even Mohammed won't be able to keep it up.

*oops* I forgot,

And I am not for doom sony doom... I am for DOOM SONY & MS DOOM! Buahahahaha....

You can find a ps3 with 1-2 paci in games for as low as 350 euros these days .