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Phrancheyez said:
What he means is, had 360 not dropped their price, PS3 would have outsold it. Now yes, 360 did drop the price, and yes, they outsold their competitor pretty well. 360 is exhausting it's strategies..after this year, I highly doubt the 360 will outsell the PS3 for a full month ever again.

*que the xbots*

Sony has a lot more they can do in this console war at this point BECAUSE they haven't dropped their price. MS is running out of options, because when Sony lowers their price, the only thing MS will be able to do is add accessories to their consoles...the public at large isn't going to care as much as they think. I'm not saying it won't help's just not going to have near the impact that Sony will have with their price cuts.


I'm sorry why are you an Xbot if you think the Xbox can outsell the PS3 for at least a month after this year?