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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii's next AAA game (90%)? Which will it be?

--OkeyDokey-- said:
lulz, Wii fanboys screaming bias. If it makes you feel better...


don't be stupid. yes, its partially biased towars the wii, but definitely not 100%.

first of all, if a game comes out on the wii, thats like minus 1 out of 10 automatically.

second, dont you notice what the highest scoring genres are? ANYTHING with guns, and ANYTHING popular.

if its a new IP or not a well known game, like an RPG, platformer, adventure, strategy, etc, its going to score MUCH lower.

its biased, even if you dont want to admit it.


people rate games whether they like them or not, and not based on if the game is actually good or not.

a normal 360 fanboy goes to play a phoenix wright game he's going to give it like a 5/10.

a person that likes all genres is going to see the true genious in the series and give it a 9/10



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Phoenix_Wiight said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
lulz, Wii fanboys screaming bias. If it makes you feel better...


don't be stupid. yes, its partially biased towars the wii, but definitely not 100%.

first of all, if a game comes out on the wii, thats like minus 1 out of 10 automatically.

second, dont you notice what the highest scoring genres are? ANYTHING with guns, and ANYTHING popular.

if its a new IP or not a well known game, like an RPG, platformer, adventure, strategy, etc, its going to score MUCH lower.

its biased, even if you dont want to admit it.


people rate games whether they like them or not, and not based on if the game is actually good or not.

a normal 360 fanboy goes to play a phoenix wright game he's going to give it like a 5/10.

a person that likes all genres is going to see the true genious in the series and give it a 9/10



Boo hoo?

I see a lot of games getting in the 80's range but I don't really see anything breaking 90's.

Conduit looks great for a wii game and the customization sounds like a real winner, but compared to other FPS it doesn't seem to be top of the line material. Good but not amazing.

Madworld will probably get one of the higher scores. I think it will just miss a 90.

Punch out will probably be upper 80's as well.

Monster hunter 3 if done right could get a 90 but I think it will just be a decent game. Lower 80's upper 70's.

Pikmin 3 is the only game I could see this year topping a 90 unless a new Zelda games out. I am not sure either of those will come out this year though.

I could care less what reviewers think of a game. I just hope we see a lot of million sellers for the wii.

95% of gamers don't know they are noobs, the 5% who do won't be noobs for long

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
lulz, Wii fanboys screaming bias. If it makes you feel better...



you do realise in saying that you have classed yourself as a sony fanboy?

You have for some reason called everyone that said wii games are reviewed biasedly (sometimes) fanboys, they have given reasons. Your reasons are?

 Twilightman on Gametrailers

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Phoenix_Wiight said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
lulz, Wii fanboys screaming bias. If it makes you feel better...


don't be stupid. yes, its partially biased towars the wii, but definitely not 100%.

first of all, if a game comes out on the wii, thats like minus 1 out of 10 automatically.

second, dont you notice what the highest scoring genres are? ANYTHING with guns, and ANYTHING popular.

if its a new IP or not a well known game, like an RPG, platformer, adventure, strategy, etc, its going to score MUCH lower.

its biased, even if you dont want to admit it.


people rate games whether they like them or not, and not based on if the game is actually good or not.

a normal 360 fanboy goes to play a phoenix wright game he's going to give it like a 5/10.

a person that likes all genres is going to see the true genious in the series and give it a 9/10



Boo hoo?

I have quite enjoyed your posts for some time, but it saddens me to say that the quality of your posting is going down the gutter, and rather quickly. Is there something you want to share with us good sir?

*Commence "cry moar" reply*

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Chrizum said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Phoenix_Wiight said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
lulz, Wii fanboys screaming bias. If it makes you feel better...


don't be stupid. yes, its partially biased towars the wii, but definitely not 100%.

first of all, if a game comes out on the wii, thats like minus 1 out of 10 automatically.

second, dont you notice what the highest scoring genres are? ANYTHING with guns, and ANYTHING popular.

if its a new IP or not a well known game, like an RPG, platformer, adventure, strategy, etc, its going to score MUCH lower.

its biased, even if you dont want to admit it.


people rate games whether they like them or not, and not based on if the game is actually good or not.

a normal 360 fanboy goes to play a phoenix wright game he's going to give it like a 5/10.

a person that likes all genres is going to see the true genious in the series and give it a 9/10



Boo hoo?

I have quite enjoyed your posts for some time, but it saddens me to say that the quality of your posting is going down the gutter, and rather quickly. Is there something you want to share with us good sir?

*Commence "cry moar" reply*


Cry Moar?

Really, I do like Benga's definition better, though I think the next highly rated Wii title is going to be Mad World, IGN did a hands on and because of it I have not been so excited for a single SEGA game since Sonic The Hedgehog 3 on the Gen, couple that with my love for Clover and therefore Platinum games, I'm so psyched for it.

After that I'm probably going to import that vs Capcom Wii fighter it seems really good and a few of my friends would love to play it.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Think only a main Mario or Zelda game can get 90+ score. why? beacuse the reviewers don't dare to give those game unfair scores.

Lets face it today reviewers is 90% FPS fans the rest FF fans.

releasing a game for the Wii is automatically -1 in score.


Most PS360 games are reviewed by people who like the type of game they review, that you can't say for Wii games.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Kororinpa 2. Mark my words.


i think that Monster Hunter 3 has the best chance to... said:
killzone 2 is an AAA game? not in my world. the next AAA game on ps3 is for the wii i can t wait for madworld and punishment 2


well, you're the only one in your world and I don't think anyone here would have it another way

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