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I see a lot of games getting in the 80's range but I don't really see anything breaking 90's.

Conduit looks great for a wii game and the customization sounds like a real winner, but compared to other FPS it doesn't seem to be top of the line material. Good but not amazing.

Madworld will probably get one of the higher scores. I think it will just miss a 90.

Punch out will probably be upper 80's as well.

Monster hunter 3 if done right could get a 90 but I think it will just be a decent game. Lower 80's upper 70's.

Pikmin 3 is the only game I could see this year topping a 90 unless a new Zelda games out. I am not sure either of those will come out this year though.

I could care less what reviewers think of a game. I just hope we see a lot of million sellers for the wii.

95% of gamers don't know they are noobs, the 5% who do won't be noobs for long

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