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--OkeyDokey-- said:
lulz, Wii fanboys screaming bias. If it makes you feel better...


don't be stupid. yes, its partially biased towars the wii, but definitely not 100%.

first of all, if a game comes out on the wii, thats like minus 1 out of 10 automatically.

second, dont you notice what the highest scoring genres are? ANYTHING with guns, and ANYTHING popular.

if its a new IP or not a well known game, like an RPG, platformer, adventure, strategy, etc, its going to score MUCH lower.

its biased, even if you dont want to admit it.


people rate games whether they like them or not, and not based on if the game is actually good or not.

a normal 360 fanboy goes to play a phoenix wright game he's going to give it like a 5/10.

a person that likes all genres is going to see the true genious in the series and give it a 9/10

