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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii's next AAA game (90%)? Which will it be?

Idk why people keep saying madworld I guess it´s just because it is being develop by the guys that made okami.Anyway I don´t think the conduit will either.The games that I think have a chance are Punch Out! although I think it will probably be low 80´s and Sin and Punishment 2.Also monster hunter is a mixed bag so it could go either way.

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Not till the holidays. The conduit, no, Madworld, no....nope, Next Zelda, Mario, and maybe a surprise game. BTW reviewers don't hate Wii games, Mario Kart is not a AAA's just a fun game that tons of people can enjoy, hense the sales.



I wouldn't be too surprised if it was Boom Blox Bash Party. The first one was high 80's, I think 85 on Metacritic, and if the sequel improves exponentially, as I have faith it will, I think it could crack that barrier.
Madworld also has a shot if the game holds up as the previews have already praised it.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

zleep said:
Seeing that PS3 has recently got another one, Killzone 2, and that it has been a long while since Wii got one, I was wondering which one will be the next. My bet is that it will be the next Zelda in 2010, unless theres another Nintendo surprise, I dont think any third party game will achieve this. What do you think?

Mad World. Duh.

When Brett is released on the Wii, that'll be be when Wii gets its next AAAA game.


Oh, you meant just AAA... Well in that case, I have no idea. Maybe MadWorld, maybe Jeep Thrills. Who knows?

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I'd rather games sell well enough to convince developers to give the Wii more support and respect.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

even though I hate the designation "AAA"...


The Conduit won't be "AAA". In fact, is anyone here confident enough to bet me that it will?

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

If we're going by reviews, MadWorld has a slight chance, The Conduit slightly less (it's the Wii and it's online, reviewers are going to trash it in that regard by default). If that fails, then it'll be the next epic Nintendo title (Punch-Out!!, the Retro project, Pikmin 3?)


Who knows?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

@ nets, it's funny how you are comparing 2 games when one of them isn't even out yet (saying CoD4 is better then the Conduit when the latter isn't even out yet), as well as posing your opinion as fact. Calling us fanboys for having a different opinion is sad, but what's even more sad is now you are starting to show the traits of one (or at least someone who's ignorant). And no, I am in no way comparing them saying one will be better than the other (although that's totally subjective), and CoD4 does kickass.

Anyways imo, games that have a shot at "AAA" (90%+ average review score):

Super Mario Galazy 2 (if it comes out)
New Legend of Zelda
Pikmin 3
The Conduit
No More Heroes 2
Sin and Punishment 2
Punch Out

These are just off the top of my head. Again I say have a shot at, not guaranteed to get. It doesn't take much for a game to be knocked below 90% and when one site notices a small/big flaw, a whole bunch will likely follow...

My 2 cents.


madworld, coduit, pikmin 3, wii sports, resort sin and punishment 2. believe me at least 3 of the 5 I mentioned will be AAA(maybe 2,but hey it's 70-30 that there are 3).