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@ nets, it's funny how you are comparing 2 games when one of them isn't even out yet (saying CoD4 is better then the Conduit when the latter isn't even out yet), as well as posing your opinion as fact. Calling us fanboys for having a different opinion is sad, but what's even more sad is now you are starting to show the traits of one (or at least someone who's ignorant). And no, I am in no way comparing them saying one will be better than the other (although that's totally subjective), and CoD4 does kickass.

Anyways imo, games that have a shot at "AAA" (90%+ average review score):

Super Mario Galazy 2 (if it comes out)
New Legend of Zelda
Pikmin 3
The Conduit
No More Heroes 2
Sin and Punishment 2
Punch Out

These are just off the top of my head. Again I say have a shot at, not guaranteed to get. It doesn't take much for a game to be knocked below 90% and when one site notices a small/big flaw, a whole bunch will likely follow...

My 2 cents.