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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 widens the gap on PS3 by 8 million. PARTY TIME 360 FANS!!!!!!!

Hammer-of-Dawn said:
Theo said:
I don't boast about my wii waaay outselling your 360, I boast about my Ps3 having the best exclusives of all three consoles : )

Quantity = Quality? or maybe Quantity > Quality? No, for m$ Quantity = money, oops the secret is out :O But I'm not sayin that sony or nintendo are any different


 Well we wouldnt care about Wii since MS made it clear they are only gunning for Sony.

Metacritic has more 360 games rated 70-90% then PS3. Quantity AND quality over PS3 ftw.


Games rated 70 to 90% are average games, so it's just more quantity on ms's part. There can be no fact about which console has the best games, just opinions which I feel free in spreading. Ps3 has the best exclusives, fact :D if the 360 had just a couple more good games I'd pick it up cause it costs next to nothing


Metacritic isn't fact, it's just a compilation of opinions

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Final-Fan said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
COKTOE said:
@Bitmap Frogs - I'm certainly aware that the PS3 has not sold as well a the 360 recently, I believe I intmated as such in my previous post. But your response had nothing to do with my post. Do you know what a non-sequiter is? Here's the partial definition. '' In formal logic, is an argument where it's conclusion does not follow from it's presmises''. So again, you never delt with my stament of fact that year over year sales are stronger for PS3. Try again.
Non sequiturs are an interesting topic but I'd rather speak about sour grapes and boy if I found one.

Your YoY comparison is meaningless drivel and spin. It's the only metric that can be used and it's a rather uninteresting one. You think any publisher is gonna rack in more sales because there's a graphic explaining why the ps3 has a smaller userbase? The ps3 is selling less than it did one year ago and this situation has been lasting several months. Unlike the X360, the ps3 is dwindling. And it will continue to do so until SCE can afford a pricecut.

As I said, you are free to believe it's all smooth sailing. Beliefs and hopes are beautiful things, aren't they?

The thing is, you accuse him of deliberately cutting off the latest 360 boost on the graph when it's clearly a false accusation and irrelevant data.  ( is clearly a generic graph and available from the main menu; the latest 360 boost is irrelevant for comparing weeks-from-launch sales of the consoles.)

The fact that the PS3 is doing better over time than the 360 may not mean that the PS3 will do equally better overall, since the platforms are not operating in a vacuum but rather acting against and reacting to each other.  The 360 was able to build up steam in an environment without the PS3 or especially the Wii, and the end of the gen is not going to delay itself by a year for the PS3 to "even it out". 

Despite all this, the comparison does illustrate why anyone thinking the PS3 is down for the count ought to think twice.  And your eagerness to jump all over someone making this point says more about you than it does about them. 

A well though-out post. But I did regress into fan-boy mode. Like alot of others on this site, I should endevor to make a point without being a dick. Sorry (seriously) if I pissed anyone off with the "Zealot" thing. Or my general demeanor for that matter.


- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

I saw that, but for some reason I thought it was someone else. Um... I don't know how.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Theo said:
Hammer-of-Dawn said:
Theo said:
I don't boast about my wii waaay outselling your 360, I boast about my Ps3 having the best exclusives of all three consoles : )

Quantity = Quality? or maybe Quantity > Quality? No, for m$ Quantity = money, oops the secret is out :O But I'm not sayin that sony or nintendo are any different


 Well we wouldnt care about Wii since MS made it clear they are only gunning for Sony.

Metacritic has more 360 games rated 70-90% then PS3. Quantity AND quality over PS3 ftw.


Games rated 70 to 90% are average games, so it's just more quantity on ms's part. There can be no fact about which console has the best games, just opinions which I feel free in spreading. Ps3 has the best exclusives, fact :D if the 360 had just a couple more good games I'd pick it up cause it costs next to nothing


Metacritic isn't fact, it's just a compilation of opinions


 my mistake, metacritic has more 360 games rated 70-99% then PS3.

It cant be said which console has better games, but it is FACT to say that 360 has more "critically acclaimed" games then PS3.

Metacritic is a compilation of opinions, but it comes from a wide range of them and takes an average from it, making it not fact, but dangerously close to it. Even so, it clearly favours the 360 over PS3, which does mean something.

Wow.. They should change this to "Waste your life here thread."

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So much insecurity, why couldn't there just be a celebration for passing 30M consoles? It would keep the losers out methinks.


Squilliam said:
So much insecurity, why couldn't there just be a celebration for passing 30M consoles? It would keep the losers out methinks.


That just means more partying. Everyone here has to realize though as soon as Sony pulls something big like a sales increase or a price drop that the opposing fanboys are going to make threads for celebrating the gap going down.


I guess that is all part of the fun and games in the console wars.

Lord N said:

It would actually be more worthy of a celebration if they were 8 million behind the Wii instead of 8 million ahead of the third place console, most of which of the latter is due to a head start. Since the two have both been on the market, the 360 has only outsold the PS3 by about 3 million.

I've honestly never seen so many people celebrate mediocrity like this.


Did you ever see the movie Rocky? In the end, Rocky didn't win. What was his accomplishment? He went 10 rounds with the best. The movie wasn't celebrating mediocrity, it was celebrating excelling far beyond expectations. And now PS3, which had been deemed this generation's certain victor even before launch is in 3rd place, while the scrappy underdog has cemented a place in front of them. If PS3 was celebrating a small lead, it would be celebrating mediocrity. But for a player like MS, who had to split 30% marketshare with Nintendo last generation, it's a victory.

^ that is very sig worthy.

Jereel Hunter said:
Lord N said:

It would actually be more worthy of a celebration if they were 8 million behind the Wii instead of 8 million ahead of the third place console, most of which of the latter is due to a head start. Since the two have both been on the market, the 360 has only outsold the PS3 by about 3 million.

I've honestly never seen so many people celebrate mediocrity like this.


Did you ever see the movie Rocky? In the end, Rocky didn't win. What was his accomplishment? He went 10 rounds with the best. The movie wasn't celebrating mediocrity, it was celebrating excelling far beyond expectations. And now PS3, which had been deemed this generation's certain victor even before launch is in 3rd place, while the scrappy underdog has cemented a place in front of them. If PS3 was celebrating a small lead, it would be celebrating mediocrity. But for a player like MS, who had to split 30% marketshare with Nintendo last generation, it's a victory.



no i think it should be more rocky 2 the underdog=360 comes bck and beats the champion=sony