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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The official RE5 Demo impressions thread

yeah i just was able to mess around with the demo today

1 i still can't figure out wat control type works best thats one problem with re5 i don't ever remember messing with the controls on re4 much

2 graphics are pretty good no real complaints here explosions look nice as well

3 not really feeling the co-op at at all game would of been alot better with a option to play it alone like benga said in his 1st post, "Basically I just want to shut down the lights and play it alone." I don't really like online co-op in games either so im the best to ask how the game is wen playing it with a friend im anti-social i have no friends

4 game feels like re 4.5 right down to the sound effects and enemy motions

5 AI is weak sometimes they didnt know i was there maybe b/c its just a demo the whole version may not have this problem

IDK man i still got to mess around with it more figure out which control type is better i still will buy it 1st day cause im into RE

hopefully the next RE will introduce something good or feel really scary b/c they had about 4 yrs with this one and it feels like it hasn't improved much on 4. If this game came out earlier i guess there wouldnt be all this negativity about it


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^^^ One of the control schemes (don't remember which one sorry) basically duplicates the controls from RE4(GC) if you liked them there.

TBH I didn't have a problem at all with the default control scheme. I also went in knowing what to expect which it seems like a lot of people, especially RE newbies, didn't.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

Graphics - Amazing
Controls - took some getting used to but I feel quite well with Scheme C
Gameplay - Would be nice if I could play it without the co-op thing, but tag team is still pretty cool.
Co-Op - the online works pretty well.

4 ≈ One

I don't know if this is a game I would be willing to play single player. I absolutely hated babysitting Sheva. To often she got caught by the Executioner or chainsaw guy and caused me to restart the demo over again. However, having a buddy screaming at me that the chainsaw guy was right behind me as I was shooting at some of the weaker zombies was awesome. Made the whole experience a lot more tense. Both of us yelling at each other, trying to let the other know we were almost out of ammo, or were about to die, or had just gotten grabbed and needed to be saved was great.

Controls were definitely a throwback to RE4 on the Gamecube and PS2. If you got the hang of them then RE5's don't seem so bad.

A day one buy for sure.

Edit: And is it just me or does Chris punch like a tank? I swear that every hit sends someone like 10 feet.


Well i spent some time with RE5 today, and after hearing treads about how game had controls problem, i was skeptical about the game.

my control setup: type c, sensivity speed fast.

+ Game looks pretty nice.

+ Controls are not as bad as some people say, but it's definietly not noob friendly.

+ amount the zombies is definetely step up, from the 4.

+ your partner picks up the ammo for you, which is nice.

+ Co-op can be a lot fun if you partner is helpful.

- why are there some many white, spanish zombies, i know theres been controversy about it, but c'mon.

- framerate issues, but it should be fixed.

- babysitting A.I. problem, the three times that i died was because of her.

- sharing ammo, such a painful thing to do, if you want to give someone something other than handgun bullets, you have to call them, press menu, choose the ammo, and choose give option.

- knife is pain in the ass. Not able to move with knife makes it akward to use.

- Can't move while reloading.

It was great, but it has many issues that can be quite annoying. I personally think that increase in zombies makes controls look quite cumbersome than in the 4th installment. I would wait for reviews, if it's worth the time.

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BHR-3 second thoughts after he's found out which control type he will be using for RE5

Ive messed around with the demo some more alot more in fact like 5hrs i found out that type D is the best for me no thanks to anyone on this site since ive made a thread to C wat everybody uses but no one posted thats ok

1 the more i played the more the game grew on me i started to get used to the controls and actually like them and have no real problem with them

2 i even played some online co-op but i prefer the single player aspect i want to take it slow wen im gaming and take a look around at the environments, gorgeous graphics, and enjoy the game

3 i like the fact that there is no run and gun like most wanted but i would recommend for RE6 that wen in aiming mode give us just a little more freedom like 1 or 2 steps in any direction.

4 i don't like the 2nd character being there hopefully shes involved in the story some how, but she doesn't kill everybody leaves me to do most of the so it's ok hopefully i can get used to her in the full game.  Its hard to divide the ammo i wish that u can choose to give some ammo like half or 1/4 instead of all. i think the game would of been better if the single player campaign was just Chris and if u want to play co-op than thats wen the second character should of been introduced

Things to ponder for the full game

1 Will we be able to control sheva in the single player campaign or is it all chris

2 Will are inventory space get bigger (more boxes) like in RE4 as the game progresses

3 Will the game be long like past RE 20-30 hrs of single player campaign or will it be like most games this gen only 10hrs


RE5 will still be a good gaming exc. for me and it's still one of my top most anticipated games of 09





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The demo is great. Graphics are so-so (Playing the PS3 version). Controls take a while to get used to, and I hate not being able to aim and walk. Co-op is a blast. We're finding new tactics to take down the executioner and the chainsaw guy.

I played a little bit of the demo and pretty much suck. I got killed by the guy with bag over his head. I only had a chance to play it for a couple of minutes. I liked the demo but I don't think the shooting is on point.


Here are my final impressions of the demo. Compiled and edited from my initial impressions.

- Anyone who has beat RE4 on the PS2 or Gamecube should have no problem picking this up. I get that some people really really like wiimote controls and that's fine, but some of you just like complaining. Chris controlled as you'd expect Leon to in RE4, though it did seem like his turn speed was reduced. You can perform a quick 180 just like in RE4. I did find the aim sensitivity low initially, but after some more time with the game it really isn't an issue. There seems to be a dead zone in the middle where it moves slowly, and outside of that your aim moves quicker.


- Resident Evil 4 HD in Africa, with co-op.

New Inventory System
- The new backpack system no longer lets you pause the game while you rummage through your magical backpack full of guns, ala RE4. Instead there is a real time inventory system that allows you to combine, move, give, equip, and discard items. In the Triangle (Y on x360) inventory menu, items can be assigned to the up,down,left and right positions, which can then be accessed very quickly by simply pressing the corresponding direction on the D-pad while playing. Since I figured out this last part, I no longer have an issue with the backpack system.

Sheva AI
- Sheva as an AI partner seems to be surprisingly competent. She will assist you, trade you guns, and actually be useful. I will be playing through the game with a co-op partner, but for people who want to play this alone you should be ok. There are commands related to the ally button that I didn't quite figure out, but I assume they could come in useful through the course of the campaign.

Online Co-op

- I played an online co-op match with a friend of mine who is a long time resident evil fan, and can definitely hold his own. It made for a really enjoyable co-op experience: sharing ammo and supplies, formulating some pretty complicated strategies, along with just beating the shit out of zombies. I found that playing with another friend made the game much more fun, and both of us really enjoyed the co-op dynamic. As you'd expect, the difficultly is ramped up pretty considerably for co-op, making sure there's never a dull moment. It's no Left 4 Dead, but it's still a ton of fun. My only complaint with co-op is that there was way too many herbs, ammo pickups and grenades.

Co-op continued..
- The game incorporates a system similar to gears or l4d where if you're incapacitated a teammate must revive you or you die. This obviously shifts the focus from watching your own back to keeping a close eye on your ally, especially if they are low on health. There are also optional assists where your ally is in a chokehold (or similar) and you can sometimes free them faster than they can free themselves, by hitting circle (B on x360) near them or shooting away the zombie performing the hold.

Overall a great demo, and a definate purchase.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Whew! Good to see the game finally getting some good impressions to balance out the bad ones.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."