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I don't know if this is a game I would be willing to play single player. I absolutely hated babysitting Sheva. To often she got caught by the Executioner or chainsaw guy and caused me to restart the demo over again. However, having a buddy screaming at me that the chainsaw guy was right behind me as I was shooting at some of the weaker zombies was awesome. Made the whole experience a lot more tense. Both of us yelling at each other, trying to let the other know we were almost out of ammo, or were about to die, or had just gotten grabbed and needed to be saved was great.

Controls were definitely a throwback to RE4 on the Gamecube and PS2. If you got the hang of them then RE5's don't seem so bad.

A day one buy for sure.

Edit: And is it just me or does Chris punch like a tank? I swear that every hit sends someone like 10 feet.