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Forums - Website Topics - In Your opinion, name 5-10 of the biggest PS3 fans on VG Chartz

CGI-Quality said:
Staude said:
CGI-Quality said:
SpartanFX said:
serious fusting ,,,you are not on our list but you are in our hearts lol

@ninja kido ,,,,CGI shall mate with an Xbot *ooker ,,,she constantly overheats and burns CGI for not having our name on the list XD

Man, you guys are harsh, it's ok, I look forward to blasting you guys apart in Killzone 2 mwuahahahahahahaha

lol gonna be cool playing in a vgchartz clan in killzone 2. Could have some North American Vgcharters VS European/Asian


Quite the idea. Of course, you know any team CGI is on will be the winning one aahahahahaha

not if i am on the other side

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Around the Network

Guys.. You should know The team I'm on will be the winning side. Or atleast the one with the most teamkills.. Not from my side but i don't have a headset so i expect to be pinned down on both sides XD

Check out my game about moles ^

CGI-Quality said:
Staude said:
CGI-Quality said:
SpartanFX said:
serious fusting ,,,you are not on our list but you are in our hearts lol

@ninja kido ,,,,CGI shall mate with an Xbot *ooker ,,,she constantly overheats and burns CGI for not having our name on the list XD


Man, you guys are harsh, it's ok, I look forward to blasting you guys apart in Killzone 2 mwuahahahahahahaha

lol gonna be cool playing in a vgchartz clan in killzone 2. Could have some North American Vgcharters VS European/Asian




Quite the idea. Of course, you know any team CGI is on will be the winning one aahahahahaha

Winning the position of "Helghast slave"


Xen said:
CGI-Quality said:
Staude said:
CGI-Quality said:
SpartanFX said:
serious fusting ,,,you are not on our list but you are in our hearts lol

@ninja kido ,,,,CGI shall mate with an Xbot *ooker ,,,she constantly overheats and burns CGI for not having our name on the list XD


Man, you guys are harsh, it's ok, I look forward to blasting you guys apart in Killzone 2 mwuahahahahahahaha

lol gonna be cool playing in a vgchartz clan in killzone 2. Could have some North American Vgcharters VS European/Asian




Quite the idea. Of course, you know any team CGI is on will be the winning one aahahahahaha

Winning the position of "Helghast slave"for not mentioning our names in OP .










We'll, either way, in a month we'll see who's the best. I'll be taking the Helghast side =P

Around the Network

helghast will own ISA and will kick them out of helghan once and for all ;)




Pristine20 said:
psrock said:

To make things clear,

Why are these people the biggest fans?

Check the trophies list, you will quickly realize, we have some major ps3 fans here, that are very quiet, but enjoy their ps3 alot.


I think I've played my ps3 almost more than everyone on this site lol. A month on Soul Calibur IV, 16 days of COD4, Back-to-back 60+ hours playthroughs of VC and MGS4, 100+ hours each on P3:Fes, Persona 4 (played on ps3) and Legend of Dragoon (on ps3) and so many more. The only game I have with trophies is Res 2 and I'm not a big fan of the game.

I never thought that the time I spent playing games was something to brag about lol thats why my trophy count is pathetic. I have to love the game first irregardless of how many trophies the game has or doesn't have.

My rant boils down to this: trophy count is not an accurate indication of love for a system or how much it is played


1. MikeB
2. Crazzyman
3. Rock_On
4. Leo-J
5. Obieslut
6. darthdevidem01
7. SpartanFX
8. DMeisterJ
9. SkeeUK

CGI-Quality said:
Serious_frusting said:
CGI-Quality said:
Staude said:
CGI-Quality said:
SpartanFX said:
serious fusting ,,,you are not on our list but you are in our hearts lol

@ninja kido ,,,,CGI shall mate with an Xbot *ooker ,,,she constantly overheats and burns CGI for not having our name on the list XD

Man, you guys are harsh, it's ok, I look forward to blasting you guys apart in Killzone 2 mwuahahahahahahaha

lol gonna be cool playing in a vgchartz clan in killzone 2. Could have some North American Vgcharters VS European/Asian


Quite the idea. Of course, you know any team CGI is on will be the winning one aahahahahaha

not if i am on the other side

We'll see about that...

"my VENGEANCE is everything"


Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Hmm looks like I've managed to stay under the radar. So far my plan is working out perfectly mwahahaha.

PS3 FTW!!!