Why are you a Nintendo Fanboy ?
For me, Nintendo brings me back to some old memories. I remembered buying the first zelda back in 1986 when I was 12 years old... Nintendo is a huge family for me so that why i'm a fanboy
Why are you a Nintendo Fanboy ?
For me, Nintendo brings me back to some old memories. I remembered buying the first zelda back in 1986 when I was 12 years old... Nintendo is a huge family for me so that why i'm a fanboy
i don't consider myself nintendo fanboy or fanboy of anything, i just enjoy some 1st party nintendo games more than other games, my gaming taste is too vast to be a fanboy to one company.
I'm damn near a fanboy. I fell out with nintendo back during the 64 days, but when I got a GC in the summer of 05 they grabbed me back. There is something about their games that I love. This year I'm already super hyped for S & P 2,Punchout!! more than I've been hyped for a game since FF III on SNES.
I'll get a 360 when they get cheaper for the rpg's but I'm happy with just a wii for now.
Well, for me, they always deliver. They've got so many amazing franchises that still hold true to what they used to be. They simply don't disappoint.
Always have been, always will be. Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Pokemon were a big part of my childhood.
I appreciate and enjoy all of the consoles though.
Because of the third party classics on each Nintendo system. Recently, I've been addicted to Carnival Games and Castlevania Judgement.
Quiet Storm = Best Gatorade flavor EVER.
Well this is simple. I think I could very well be without playing games that aren't developed by Nintendo. The other way around, no chance.
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