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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I am getting annoyed by MS.

fulcizombie said:

They seem to be abandoning the hardcore. Judging from the recent interviews of some MS' executives we should expect more casual crap from them in 2009. Greenberg mentions crap like "scene it" and "lips" as "surprise games that were unannounced until close to release, in 2008" which suggests that this is what we should expect in 2009 (and even a waggle controller). Meanwhile xbox360' first six months , in 2009, look barren as far as exclusives go. At least the ps3 has Killzone 2 and (maybe???) infamous . The 360 has an rts and a Jrpg as their "big" first half of 2009 games and we know next to nothing about the holiday 2009 line up , except for this silly halo3 expansion.

What i liked about MS is how hardcore they used to be...gears of war, halo, fable, mass effect, ninja gaiden, crackdown even the rare stuff like kameo and banjo (though i didn't like banjo).  Now they seem hell bent on tapping the wii audiance. Well they should be careful cause they might loose the hardcore gamers that have supported them from the xbox1 days while at the same time not winning the casual crowd and that would leave them with a big fat nothing.


do you realize there are those games called, Gow2, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Fable 2 that were released during late 2008, dont you?And too those two new Halo games coming out this year, and Ninja Blade and probably Mass Effect 2, and... I mean, what the hell are you talking about?

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heaviermelero said:
fulcizombie said:

They seem to be abandoning the hardcore. Judging from the recent interviews of some MS' executives we should expect more casual crap from them in 2009. Greenberg mentions crap like "scene it" and "lips" as "surprise games that were unannounced until close to release, in 2008" which suggests that this is what we should expect in 2009 (and even a waggle controller). Meanwhile xbox360' first six months , in 2009, look barren as far as exclusives go. At least the ps3 has Killzone 2 and (maybe???) infamous . The 360 has an rts and a Jrpg as their "big" first half of 2009 games and we know next to nothing about the holiday 2009 line up , except for this silly halo3 expansion.

What i liked about MS is how hardcore they used to be...gears of war, halo, fable, mass effect, ninja gaiden, crackdown even the rare stuff like kameo and banjo (though i didn't like banjo).  Now they seem hell bent on tapping the wii audiance. Well they should be careful cause they might loose the hardcore gamers that have supported them from the xbox1 days while at the same time not winning the casual crowd and that would leave them with a big fat nothing.


do you realize there are those games called, Gow2, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Fable 2 that were released during late 2008, dont you?And too those two new Halo games coming out this year, and Ninja Blade and probably Mass Effect 2, and... I mean, what the hell are you talking about?


It's called reversed psychology.


@Lurker: But Singstar doesn't have motion controller, which means Lips has to be more casual.

@Just2Fresh: Actually the recent relative success 360 has had, has more to do with bad economics than Wiis success has.
By the way, in case you didn't notice, Wii beat 360 and PS3 sales for about two years, before the economics went down after being on a high, so your argument that Wii sells because of the economics went down (which is the same old "Wii is selling because of its price", this time put differently) is logically flawed. As for your other basis for Wiis success, they seem about right. It has practically all the basis covered with single player experiences, offline and online multiplayer. And the games range from one end to another.
As you can see, Wii has clearly the superior strategy, which means that in order to compete, you have to use the same strategy. Sony and M$ propably tries to tap the audience the same way next gen (would be madness for not to).

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

The whole definition of "hardcore" is completely screwed in the original post.

Halo is one of the most approachable FPS games out there. Crackdown hardcore? That game was hardcore fun yes...

Lets just drop this argument and enjoy the games that are coming.

BTW I predict that Halo Wars will be 5X more hardcore than Killzone 2. 14 year old gamer will pick up Killzone 2 and get a hang of things rather quickly... Halo Wars, being an RTS...and the strategies involved with that...will require some major getting used to.

Laughable post.

Microsoft isn't abandoning anyone for anything. MS is merely developing casual titles alongside their hardcore list.

I'm not understanding why the Q1-2 lineup is so bad, and indicative that MS is abandoning the hardcore. What did we get in Q1-2 2008? or 2007 for that matter? Most of their 'big' hardcore titles launch in Q3-4.

MS publishes more hardcore titles for the 360 than any other 1st party company does, and does so by wide margins. How is that 'abandoning the hardcore'?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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The majority of the hardcore market already has a current gen console. Hardcore gamers generally do not wait 3 years before jumping into a new generation.

Every console maker is going for the casual market now. That is where the potential buyers are located.

Sardauk said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
I don't know if it's true, but in that case it would be what Sony was waiting for: trying to target Wii without Wiimote, Nunchuck and Balance Board, without Mario, Zelda, WiiFit, etc would be XB360's Waterloo. And with no need for Sony to do anything, so avoiding MS attempts of retaliation, that would all be angrily and blindly aimed at Nintendo, like flying chairs. So good for Sony, actually, that I seriouusly doubt it's more than a Sony exec's wet dream.


I don't fear for this generation because it was built on hardcore player segment (and took many out of the Sony world as well, like me...).

But this is a BIG BIG BIG concern for the next gen ! Sony/MS don't give a crap about who they are aiming at, they want to catch their big white whale... just like nintendo did.


For me the next XBOX might just be a tune-up of the current one, they might want to attack the Wii-market (oooh god nooo....).

I'll have to get back to the PC-World then ...


Well, as long as Sony stays alive to balance powers and MS doesn't get another monopoly, I'm fine, for my hardcore needs I'm already on PC, when Wii will be cheaper I'll probably get one for casual intervals.

The only thing that is stressing me more and more about PC gaming is making old games work on more recent Windows versions (and rarely vice versa), Planescape: Torment, for example is such a good game, but such a pain in the arse to make it work, but once games are installed and working, for what I like mouse + kb are quite fine, I bought a small gaming keyboard too, for most frantic games, I have a joystick too for occasional flight sims, now I've just to buy a good wheel for more realistic racing games where the stick isn't enough...


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Why is there a problem if, say, a bulk of "hardcore" titles come from third-party and are multiplatform? If your system gets enough content, why complain? Microsoft is trying to grab some of Nintendo's markeshare, as companies are expected to. They see a growth area to go after.

By the way, anyone know who E3 is supposed to be targeting now? Isn't it industry insiders and suites, because it shrunk? Well, I see people saying the 2008 E3 Nintendo presentation was HORRIBLE, because it didn't have a lot of "hardcore" games in there, like Nintendo was supposed to hype up Mad World at it. Can people who are hardcore hobbyists just be happy they are getting enough content rather than be angry at companies for not pandering to them?

Folks these are devices meant for play. Just because you enjoy certain things, doesn't mean everyone else does.

mrstickball said:
Laughable post.

Microsoft isn't abandoning anyone for anything. MS is merely developing casual titles alongside their hardcore list.



The guy with the OP needs to read between the lines. Greenberg and Co. are of course trying to conquer the casual market, thus a push of Lips, Scene-it and whatnot. But that's just talk that hardcore gamers can safely ignore.

MS' own major titles for 2009 are still very much aimed at hardcore gamers:

Alan Wake
Halo Wars
Forza 3
Halo ODS


jake_the_fake1 said:
casual is where the money is at, as show by the success of the Wii.


Besides I would say Microsoft has not courted the family market enough yet.