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@Lurker: But Singstar doesn't have motion controller, which means Lips has to be more casual.

@Just2Fresh: Actually the recent relative success 360 has had, has more to do with bad economics than Wiis success has.
By the way, in case you didn't notice, Wii beat 360 and PS3 sales for about two years, before the economics went down after being on a high, so your argument that Wii sells because of the economics went down (which is the same old "Wii is selling because of its price", this time put differently) is logically flawed. As for your other basis for Wiis success, they seem about right. It has practically all the basis covered with single player experiences, offline and online multiplayer. And the games range from one end to another.
As you can see, Wii has clearly the superior strategy, which means that in order to compete, you have to use the same strategy. Sony and M$ propably tries to tap the audience the same way next gen (would be madness for not to).

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.