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Why is there a problem if, say, a bulk of "hardcore" titles come from third-party and are multiplatform? If your system gets enough content, why complain? Microsoft is trying to grab some of Nintendo's markeshare, as companies are expected to. They see a growth area to go after.

By the way, anyone know who E3 is supposed to be targeting now? Isn't it industry insiders and suites, because it shrunk? Well, I see people saying the 2008 E3 Nintendo presentation was HORRIBLE, because it didn't have a lot of "hardcore" games in there, like Nintendo was supposed to hype up Mad World at it. Can people who are hardcore hobbyists just be happy they are getting enough content rather than be angry at companies for not pandering to them?

Folks these are devices meant for play. Just because you enjoy certain things, doesn't mean everyone else does.