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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

Wii fans are the most snobbish and narcissistic.

PS3 fans are the most desperate.

360 fans are the most spiteful.

PC fans are... gleefully betting amongst each other on which side going to win the next flame war.

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How come I get the feeling most posts in this topic have me in mind.

I'm not a 360 fanboy. I'm a PS3 foeboy, to be sure, but I'm not exactly gonna lie or spin the PS3's situation. If it's grim, then that's how I report it, if it's sunny, same thing.

Frankly, I'm against the PS3 fans mainly because of how they treat fans of other consoles(due to their inferiority complex), and I'm against Sony itself because of the BR move, which promoted another industry at the expense of gamers.

I certainly think that PS3 fans should also be pissed at Sony, but who am I to destroy delusions.

As for gaming, yes, I certainly do know more about the industry and games in general than the vast majority of people here, but that's not too hard to do. Simply don't live under a rock, and remember what you read, and you'll be on an equal playing field with me.

If you don't know who Bioware is, or what their next few games are likely to be, then yes, you deserve to be flamed to hell. Don't blame me for imposing the law.

Overhype is the largest trespass of Sony fans, and I deal with it harshly. If you can handle the consequences, then overhype away, but know that ironically, you are hurting the exclusives you pretend to cherish. Foldor-Kun out.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I really have never cared for Sony's fans... they've always been very misinformed (mostly sony's fault for twisting the truth so much) and then they attack anyone that doesn't agree with them even if they're unbias or even on their side.

I had one Sony fan say this to me "You don't like Killzone, you don't like God of War, then why the hell did you even buy a PS3?" I mean really >_> when you put it like that it sounds like that's all the PS3 HAS but I bought my PS3 cause of other great games... (I felt like saying I just wanted a blu-ray player for 50 dollars [I got my PS3 for 50])

Now 360 fans have started to rise on my list as of late, as many have started to clutch to this "I'm hardcore, I have hardcore games, and I'm better then you" type attitude, and will go on rants about Wii not having ANY core titles, and even if you list 20 Wii games (I've done it before) that any core gamer worth their salt would want, they'll just say things like "I'm glad you like waggle cause I don't" I mean making up flat out lies about games they obviously never played...

Oh and when I say I bought a PS3 over getting a 360 the reactions are LOL-tastic, I mean I used to share consoles with a roommate and I played on XBL a lot, I know about the list of games and exclusives, but what it boils down to is PS3 gave me a better deal for what it offers (for me) and the fact that I actually have friends... you know so I can go over to their house and play their 360's while they come to mine and play PS3...

Nintendo Wii fans annoy me the least as most are open for suggestion though a few kinda get annoying, everyone knows Wii is winning you don't have to bring it up all the time in unrelated topics

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

The only reason there is so much fighting going on is the fear of losing developer support, if 360 pulls too far ahead ps3 might lose developer support, same goes for 360 if ps3 start pulling ahead, most gamers dont want to spend another 300- 400 dollars for another system, gamers would rather spend that money on games and accessories for the system they already have, the Wii doesnt matter because even though its winning game developers still arent making many good games for the Wii, because a regular controller is better suited for most games than the wiimote and nunchuck, I think thats the reason, maybe with a better motion controller on the Wii 2 will make developers support nintendo more, time will tell.

The X360 and PS3 fanboys have been rightfully calles out now. PS fans being mostly irrational and way too pattriotic... the X360 fans mostly antagonistic.

I'd rather claim the Wii fans to be the most defensive. You'll hardly see a wii-fan starting a thread to bash a game, console, or whatever you call it (especially considering the ratio of nintendo-fans here on the site.)

Yet, when a thread is made on something that is, or might, place the wii in a bad daylight people will flock from all places to defend it, completely trashing the thread.
They are also the most likely derailing any thread between X360 and PS3 with a sentence somewhat like: Yeah, all fine and dandy but these numbers pale in comparison with the wii lol!

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


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I would say each console must suffer its own brand of hate really. The type you're sensititve to is the type that will stick out in your mind as the most prevalent as you were personally effected by it so you'd remember it.

Like I said before, if you banned 15 people, 5 per console affilliation you would calm most of the negative chatter down. If people say Xbox 360 fanboys are spiteful, ask yourself whom made them spiteful and why? In the end the Wii has special circumstances so in that respect much of the hate is unjustified or based out of fear, but between the two warring factions the current sales situation has merely bolstered one side and let all the anger of the past come to the surface to reap a revenge of sorts.

A PS3 fan who is annoyed at the current situation may very well be just as guilty as the Xbox 360 fan currently perpetuating the cycle. When the shoe was on the other foot did they act in a manner that earnt this retribution? Even if they did not, by silently condoning the actions of a few they are still responsible. Im just addressing the situation currently as it is, obviously if the shoe was still firmly in the other camp there would be just as much kicking going on.


I'm surprised the thread turned out so well, some really interesting replys.


Squilliam said:
I would say each console must suffer its own brand of hate really. The type you're sensititve to is the type that will stick out in your mind as the most prevalent as you were personally effected by it so you'd remember it.

Like I said before, if you banned 15 people, 5 per console affilliation you would calm most of the negative chatter down. If people say Xbox 360 fanboys are spiteful, ask yourself whom made them spiteful and why? In the end the Wii has special circumstances so in that respect much of the hate is unjustified or based out of fear, but between the two warring factions the current sales situation has merely bolstered one side and let all the anger of the past come to the surface to reap a revenge of sorts.

A PS3 fan who is annoyed at the current situation may very well be just as guilty as the Xbox 360 fan currently perpetuating the cycle. When the shoe was on the other foot did they act in a manner that earnt this retribution? Even if they did not, by silently condoning the actions of a few they are still responsible. Im just addressing the situation currently as it is, obviously if the shoe was still firmly in the other camp there would be just as much kicking going on.


You got me curious, PM me the top five for each console, I swear on my life I won't tell anyone.


ZenfoldorVGI said:

How come I get the feeling most posts in this topic have me in mind.

I'm not a 360 fanboy. I'm a PS3 foeboy, to be sure, but I'm not exactly gonna lie or spin the PS3's situation. If it's grim, then that's how I report it, if it's sunny, same thing.

Frankly, I'm against the PS3 fans mainly because of how they treat fans of other consoles(due to their inferiority complex), and I'm against Sony itself because of the BR move, which promoted another industry at the expense of gamers.

I certainly think that PS3 fans should also be pissed at Sony, but who am I to destroy delusions.

As for gaming, yes, I certainly do know more about the industry and games in general than the vast majority of people here, but that's not too hard to do. Simply don't live under a rock, and remember what you read, and you'll be on an equal playing field with me.

If you don't know who Bioware is, or what their next few games are likely to be, then yes, you deserve to be flamed to hell. Don't blame me for imposing the law.

Overhype is the largest trespass of Sony fans, and I deal with it harshly. If you can handle the consequences, then overhype away, but know that ironically, you are hurting the exclusives you pretend to cherish. Foldor-Kun out.

Once again, you seem to think everyone should have the same opinion as you. Do you even bother to think that some people actually love the ps3 only because of blu-ray? I have a friend who prefers his ps3 to his 360 just because of that...and he has a ton of movies. So this guy is delusional too right?

What inferiority complex are you talking about? Do you know all the people who are ps3 fans or you think it's because their console isn't winning a race that doesn't affect their financials? If anything they should feel superior that they were able to afford a device that the general public can't lol.

As for your overhype claim, the first thing that comes to mind is Killzone 2 and it would seem yahoo games didn't even realize it existed judging by their recent article on 2009's most wanted games so it obviously hasn't been overhyped. Perhaps the fans are just happy to be getting what looks like a top quality game and thus want to talk about it, nothing wrong with that.

In conclusion, ps3 fans rock!!!

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

@Seece: Sorry, not going to do that. You know the names that keep propping up, so most likely your list would be similar to mine, and pretty much every choice I made or you made would sound reasonable to me or you.
