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ZenfoldorVGI said:

How come I get the feeling most posts in this topic have me in mind.

I'm not a 360 fanboy. I'm a PS3 foeboy, to be sure, but I'm not exactly gonna lie or spin the PS3's situation. If it's grim, then that's how I report it, if it's sunny, same thing.

Frankly, I'm against the PS3 fans mainly because of how they treat fans of other consoles(due to their inferiority complex), and I'm against Sony itself because of the BR move, which promoted another industry at the expense of gamers.

I certainly think that PS3 fans should also be pissed at Sony, but who am I to destroy delusions.

As for gaming, yes, I certainly do know more about the industry and games in general than the vast majority of people here, but that's not too hard to do. Simply don't live under a rock, and remember what you read, and you'll be on an equal playing field with me.

If you don't know who Bioware is, or what their next few games are likely to be, then yes, you deserve to be flamed to hell. Don't blame me for imposing the law.

Overhype is the largest trespass of Sony fans, and I deal with it harshly. If you can handle the consequences, then overhype away, but know that ironically, you are hurting the exclusives you pretend to cherish. Foldor-Kun out.

Once again, you seem to think everyone should have the same opinion as you. Do you even bother to think that some people actually love the ps3 only because of blu-ray? I have a friend who prefers his ps3 to his 360 just because of that...and he has a ton of movies. So this guy is delusional too right?

What inferiority complex are you talking about? Do you know all the people who are ps3 fans or you think it's because their console isn't winning a race that doesn't affect their financials? If anything they should feel superior that they were able to afford a device that the general public can't lol.

As for your overhype claim, the first thing that comes to mind is Killzone 2 and it would seem yahoo games didn't even realize it existed judging by their recent article on 2009's most wanted games so it obviously hasn't been overhyped. Perhaps the fans are just happy to be getting what looks like a top quality game and thus want to talk about it, nothing wrong with that.

In conclusion, ps3 fans rock!!!

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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler