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I really have never cared for Sony's fans... they've always been very misinformed (mostly sony's fault for twisting the truth so much) and then they attack anyone that doesn't agree with them even if they're unbias or even on their side.

I had one Sony fan say this to me "You don't like Killzone, you don't like God of War, then why the hell did you even buy a PS3?" I mean really >_> when you put it like that it sounds like that's all the PS3 HAS but I bought my PS3 cause of other great games... (I felt like saying I just wanted a blu-ray player for 50 dollars [I got my PS3 for 50])

Now 360 fans have started to rise on my list as of late, as many have started to clutch to this "I'm hardcore, I have hardcore games, and I'm better then you" type attitude, and will go on rants about Wii not having ANY core titles, and even if you list 20 Wii games (I've done it before) that any core gamer worth their salt would want, they'll just say things like "I'm glad you like waggle cause I don't" I mean making up flat out lies about games they obviously never played...

Oh and when I say I bought a PS3 over getting a 360 the reactions are LOL-tastic, I mean I used to share consoles with a roommate and I played on XBL a lot, I know about the list of games and exclusives, but what it boils down to is PS3 gave me a better deal for what it offers (for me) and the fact that I actually have friends... you know so I can go over to their house and play their 360's while they come to mine and play PS3...

Nintendo Wii fans annoy me the least as most are open for suggestion though a few kinda get annoying, everyone knows Wii is winning you don't have to bring it up all the time in unrelated topics

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000