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Squilliam said:
I would say each console must suffer its own brand of hate really. The type you're sensititve to is the type that will stick out in your mind as the most prevalent as you were personally effected by it so you'd remember it.

Like I said before, if you banned 15 people, 5 per console affilliation you would calm most of the negative chatter down. If people say Xbox 360 fanboys are spiteful, ask yourself whom made them spiteful and why? In the end the Wii has special circumstances so in that respect much of the hate is unjustified or based out of fear, but between the two warring factions the current sales situation has merely bolstered one side and let all the anger of the past come to the surface to reap a revenge of sorts.

A PS3 fan who is annoyed at the current situation may very well be just as guilty as the Xbox 360 fan currently perpetuating the cycle. When the shoe was on the other foot did they act in a manner that earnt this retribution? Even if they did not, by silently condoning the actions of a few they are still responsible. Im just addressing the situation currently as it is, obviously if the shoe was still firmly in the other camp there would be just as much kicking going on.


You got me curious, PM me the top five for each console, I swear on my life I won't tell anyone.