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Forums - General Discussion - Best Villain/antagonist in a movie

I've been watching some movies, and i have [almost] always like villains more than super heroes, or the typical bad guy who becomes good.... anywayz, i wanted to know if any has like a top 3 let's say villain from movies [not videogames] and probably state why are your favorites. I'll start


The joker from the Dark Knight. Awesome villain, the actor really went into another level in playing the role. Awesome character and incredible performance. He was so00o0o0o crazy but then again so clever. Shows that there is a really thin line in being a genius and being totally nuts. And he was damn funny too. He had this thing against batman, but at the same time he defines batman as his complement. Pure awesomeness.


John Kramer from Saw. Incredible. This character is so smart, so clever. He used to put people into situations where they had to choose either to die or pretty much suffer to have a slight chance to survive. But he had a purpose of doing it so, to teach a lesson of life and give a "Second Chance". He never killed anyone. He studied the human behavior and probability of people in taking decissions. He just had one rule, and that was to follow the rules dictated. There was always a way to survive, you just had to follow the rules. Amazing.


Hannibal Lecter. Again, another really smart character. He could get deep into ur mind and play tricks with it. He was so vicious, he's a cannibal and yet he was educated and polite. Enjoys good things in life (i wonder what human's meat tastes like) like classical music. Not an ordinary villain. And the best is that he killed without regrets. He ate his victims, what else can you ask for???


So yeah, those are my top 3 and i guess they would be arranged as follow


1.- John Kramer

2.- Hannibal Lecter

3.- The joker


Between Kramer and lecter is a thought one...i didnt know which one to choose for first place b/c both are incredible. I had to give it to Kramer just because i love they way he works. But it could well be a tie between those 2. The joker comes in third, but not that far from them.


So how about you guys??? Anyone that has any preference in villains?? Or is it just me -.-

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Oh and they can be from any type of movie and it doesnt matter if it's old.

Darth Vader... he may not be the best character, but he is plain awesome

Here goes
1) Hannibal Lecter: Villains usually have some agenda or psychological issues behind their evil deeds which the good Doctor obviously lacks

2)T-1000: I really hated this prick. Had a well defined mission and did everything possible, and then some, to get it done

3)Dr Evil: I have no words to justify this pick. I just love him

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

Here's my favorites from this year:

1. Loneliness-The Wrestler and Wall-E

2. Uncontrollable depression-Revolutionary Road

3. Guilt and Self-Loathing-Gran Torino and Frost/Nixon

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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^ How good is Gran Torino?

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

Soriku said:
Joker and Darth Vader.


Those are my picks.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

BringBackChrono said:
^ How good is Gran Torino?

Very good. Must watch.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Darth Maul, until the very end he was one badass dude.

Kahn Noonien Singh from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn

Sauron from Lord of the Rings

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




damndl0ser said:
Darth Maul, until the very end he was one badass dude.

Kahn Noonien Singh from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn

Sauron from Lord of the Rings

Darth Maul was cool until he talked...