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Forums - PC Discussion - So, what PC gamer "killer apps" exist that call for the purchase of a PC?

I completely forgot about Alien Swarm game. That's the BEST addon and one the best co-op games ever made.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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its hard to finger a single killer app on PC. If you aren't purely interested in top of the line graphics, then you have 20 years of complete gems just sitting there waiting to get played in almost every genre, adventure, action, FPS, RPG (both action and D&D style story focused based). If you're purely a console gamer since day dot, then you have an entire genre there left discovered (RTS).

I game on PC,ps3,ps2,wii,ds I have my favs for each console (generally geared by control systems I prefer for X game) but I do always return to some of the classics on PC when I want refilling. Currently playing through Baldur's Gate 2 again, graphics are cruddy but by-joy is the game itself steller (and its a reasonably new game, released 2000, built on a game engine designed ~1998).


Real Time Strategy, MMO, Point & Click Adventures and Simulations (building, space, life, any kind of vehicles) are still the genres that are very strong on PC and very weak or non-existant on consoles.

The two bestselling PC games of 2009 are not hard to guess: Starcraft 2 and The Sims 3, but they are not "Killer Apps". They might attract new PC gamers, though.

"Killer apps" don't exist on established systems, this term only applies to games that sell new systems (Wii Sports, Brain Training and Nintendogs were the last "killer apps" I can think of).

okr said:
Real Time Strategy, MMO, Point & Click Adventures and Simulations (building, space, life, any kind of vehicles) are still the genres that are very strong on PC and very weak or non-existant on consoles.

The two bestselling PC games of 2009 are not hard to guess: Starcraft 2 and The Sims 3, but they are not "Killer Apps". They might attract new PC gamers, though.

"Killer apps" don't exist on established systems, this term only applies to games that sell new systems (Wii Sports, Brain Training and Nintendogs were the last "killer apps" I can think of).


I dunno.... I predict a huge rise in newish PC sales in Korea when SC2 launches.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

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The Witcher
Empire Total War
Dawn of War 2
Alan Wake

Just some games ...

Time to Work !

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I have to correct myself: "Killer apps" on established systems are possible. The last game that attracted lots of new people to PC gaming was World of Warcraft.

@vlad: Yes, that's possible (and not only in Korea). Maybe I'm underestimating the impact of SC2. The weeks and months after release will be interesting.

Are we looking at just Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2?

JUST? ;)

Outside of killer apps, if you like PC controls, many 360/PS3 games end up on the PC at a cheaper price. Furthermore, you can often use 360's controller on the PC.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I heard Sins of a Solar Empire is good. I think it's PC exclusive.

FPS games are better on the PC than on any consoles. They generally have better control and better online.

Look at Counter-Strike for an example of this. It was awesome online well before the original Xbox came out. And it still is awesome online for the PC, but it sucks on the Xbox.

Yes, good RTS games like Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 are (or will be) better on the PC. Yes, MMOs are better, but I don't dig MMOs. And I still like some PC gaming.

Half-Life 2 and Starcraft