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Forums - Sales Discussion - History in the Making... Wii Sports to become #1 Sold Videogame of All Time

Esa-Petteri said:
hallowedbeeddie said:
you cannot compare wii sports for solitaire. wii sports is one of the main reason for the wii success. solitaire has nothing to do with the success of computer. it just comes with windows. casual buy wii because of wii sports. if it wasnt for it the wii would have sold like the gamecube.



Yeah, it would be pretty pointless to compare solitaire and wii sports. People have played and enjoyed solitaire for a lot more hours than they have played wii sports. Solitaire must be better game?


Let's face it, if you count wii sports you should count solitaire too. Your reasoning to ignore a great game like solitaire just shows that you are a petty elitist?!

Don't you ever get tired of being ignorant?

EDIT:  I shouldn't have said that.  What I should have said is:  Don't you ever get tired of being an elitist snob?


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I cannot believe people are still arguing over this. There is alot of BS flying aorund before people read ALL posts.

Just get over it people, when the Wii launched what did they advertising in their commercials? Wii Sports. ALOT of people got hooked by that and still are.
The wii is a family/party/casual console. Just because a few hardcore gamers don't agree those 80%+ casuals who own a wii do love the game simple.

Like I said before, should we disregard all the PS3's sold which were bundled with a HDTV? Same deal, I know alot of people chose the Sony Bravia over a Samsung at the time because it come with a FREE PS3. So in that instance the PS3 sold the Bravia, just like Wii Sports sells the Wii to majority of the people.




Really doesn't matter at this point. 

If you won't count Wii Sports because of the bundling thing, then the next best selling game is likely to end up being Mario Kart Wii at this rate. 

Either way, Nintendo wins. 

The doubters here are classic.

By the time the Wii stops selling - i.e. in 4-6 years time, if not longer - the big titles will so own all the records - there just won't be anything to argue about.

MK has been out for LESS than 1 year (not even 40 weeks!) - and its done 13m.

WiiFit - 11.3m (about 1 year). WiiPlay - 17m in 2 years.

If WiiSports wasn't bundled, it would be in the 25m-30m vicinity. But then if Super Mario wasn't bundled either, the top sales post would be a lot lower. And lets not forget we all PAY for WiiSports, by buying the Wii for $50 more than its sold in Japan (unbundled).


The one key stat about WiiSports which is completely unbeatable: we have had our Wii now for THREE Xmas's. I have NEVER owned a game that gets regularly played TWO YEARS after it was released - never. And by multiple people, including myself. Every single one of my "traditional" games is gathering dust once finished - with it lucky to be pulled out a couple of times a year to show it to others.

Just wait till M+ gets released.

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shams said:
The doubters here are classic.

By the time the Wii stops selling - i.e. in 4-6 years time, if not longer - the big titles will so own all the records - there just won't be anything to argue about.

MK has been out for LESS than 1 year (not even 40 weeks!) - and its done 13m.

WiiFit - 11.3m (about 1 year). WiiPlay - 17m in 2 years.

If WiiSports wasn't bundled, it would be in the 25m-30m vicinity. But then if Super Mario wasn't bundled either, the top sales post would be a lot lower. And lets not forget we all PAY for WiiSports, by buying the Wii for $50 more than its sold in Japan (unbundled).


The one key stat about WiiSports which is completely unbeatable: we have had our Wii now for THREE Xmas's. I have NEVER owned a game that gets regularly played TWO YEARS after it was released - never. And by multiple people, including myself. Every single one of my "traditional" games is gathering dust once finished - with it lucky to be pulled out a couple of times a year to show it to others.

Just wait till M+ gets released.




If you accept SMB as the previous best seller then you have to accept Wii Sports as the new best seller. Both were sold under the same conditions.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

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wSky Render said:
About all I have to say to that statement is that those who act elitist rarely are elite in any sense of the term. The authentically wise do not waste their time posturing themselves as wise; they share their knowledge freely and allow criticism to come in willingly, responding intelligently and considerately to it no matter what form it takes.

I agree with some parts of that. I believe the truly wise don't share knowledge that often. Wise people listen to what others have to say and keep their conclusions to themselves. Sharing your conclusions with others may (and most likely will) lead to a debate that 99% of the time you can't win. Let people be wrong if they're too stubborn to take a little criticism.

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If it weren't for the bundle, I would be either very worried or very sad. A game like this surely doesn't deserve to be the best-selling game of all time. By the way, how come Wii Sports has sold less than Wii itself despite being bundled with it? Is it not bundled with every Wii?

I also wonder how much Wii Sports would have sold were it not bundled... It would probably be one of Wii's best-selling games anyway but I doubt it would be this high. And yes, I know Mario was bundled as well - I'm just focusing on Wii Sports instead of comparison between the two.

Wii Sports is really good, im looking forward to Wii Sports Resort as well

Zkuq said:
If it weren't for the bundle, I would be either very worried or very sad. A game like this surely doesn't deserve to be the best-selling game of all time. By the way, how come Wii Sports has sold less than Wii itself despite being bundled with it? Is it not bundled with every Wii?

I also wonder how much Wii Sports would have sold were it not bundled... It would probably be one of Wii's best-selling games anyway but I doubt it would be this high. And yes, I know Mario was bundled as well - I'm just focusing on Wii Sports instead of comparison between the two.

Wii sports is not bundled in Japan but the game have an attach rate of 45%...


It would likely have the same attach rate in the rest of the world as it has in Japan in wich mean the game would soon a 20+ million seller.


If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints