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The doubters here are classic.

By the time the Wii stops selling - i.e. in 4-6 years time, if not longer - the big titles will so own all the records - there just won't be anything to argue about.

MK has been out for LESS than 1 year (not even 40 weeks!) - and its done 13m.

WiiFit - 11.3m (about 1 year). WiiPlay - 17m in 2 years.

If WiiSports wasn't bundled, it would be in the 25m-30m vicinity. But then if Super Mario wasn't bundled either, the top sales post would be a lot lower. And lets not forget we all PAY for WiiSports, by buying the Wii for $50 more than its sold in Japan (unbundled).


The one key stat about WiiSports which is completely unbeatable: we have had our Wii now for THREE Xmas's. I have NEVER owned a game that gets regularly played TWO YEARS after it was released - never. And by multiple people, including myself. Every single one of my "traditional" games is gathering dust once finished - with it lucky to be pulled out a couple of times a year to show it to others.

Just wait till M+ gets released.

Gesta Non Verba

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