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Forums - Sales Discussion - The legs of Heavenly Sword: How does it do it?

This thread made me want to replay the game.

Now that it's platinum, every european PS3 owner should own it. This, and Uncharted.


Edit for SpartanFX

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts

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^^it's not platinum in's still at the original price of $60 .




Staude said:
Slimebeast said:
What's so great about HS? What is the difference maker compared to your average hack'n'slash such as DMC4, Conan, Ninja Gaiden II or Too human?


I've got two words for you.

Twing Twang


I'd also like to mention that it's awesome steering a cannon ball with motion controls in slow motion.

I could dig that. But didn't reviews say there was too little of that side-kick chick doing archery in this game?


Maybe Sony Santa Monica will take over Heavenly Sword after God of War 3 ends.

God I hope so. That would also make some sense, since they're the same type of game and such.


but i want to play as Nariko T_T(don't write any spoilers guys)




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It is extremely short, and whenever I look at it, I think "GOD OF WAR CLONE!"

Except it's not. Funnily enough, I hate the hack and slash genre, yet I love God of War.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Excellent game. Should have higher sales.

People may say it is too short but honestly those 6-7 hours were a blast.

HS2 please?

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The production is terrific. The voice acting is the best of any game I've ever played. The controls are a little stiff, but I still love it. The last fight is epic.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

but it's currently selling better than either the ps3 version of Devil May Cry 4 or Ninja Gaiden II

While the fighting mechanic in Gaiden und DMC are far better everything else is better in Heavenly sword.

It looks better, far better graphics, better enemies (Andrew Serkins for the win), better cinematics, awesome locations ...

I have said it before give me Heavenly swords with a decent length and without the button mashing gameplay in normal difficulty and it would be one of the best action games.

The biggest problem of DMC and Ninja Gaiden are the japanese developers with their weird monsters, ridiculous storylines (not that HS is a new Tolstoy) and characters .

fulcizombie said:
Terrible game that sold terribly .It wouldn't surprise me if NT becomes the next free radical or factor 5 . The game is just massively overtracked in this site .


 It's okay to swallow those bitter tears. I know it must be hard to get aroused by this game and not be able to play with her...i mean the game.

So either show proof of your claim or stfu and get out of the thread Troll...