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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do some people really still think that Little Big Planet didnt sell well?

axumblade said:
NiKKoM said:
axumblade said:

eh. That was the weakest of the arguments that I made so I understand disagreement. What I've been trying to say is that the company didn't lose money from the game. I'm not saying the game has made Sony teh hundred millions that people were thinking it would. Simply saying "It's not a flop."



I'm sorry. but you aren't from America obviously. It probably is kind of expensive. And what is the super ball? lol And 100.000 per second? Now who is pulling figures out of the air?

Also, the in game graphics probably didn't cost nearly as much as everyone is saying that they do. If anything, having a

Sorry meant Super Bowl..

and I said $ 100.000 for 30 sec spot

Don't believe me?


Commercials during less-watched programs are more affordable, but the cost of those commercials may still run in excess of $100,000 per 30-seconds.

That means 100k at the most during "less-watched programs" in some cases. Also, the cost for creating the commercials probably aren't nearly as high as the others (I.E. - Late Night Programming, Reruns of old movies/tv shows), which both Cartoon Network and Comedy Central tend to thrive off of. Also, a lot of the commercials I see are littlebigplanet sponsored by Burger King. So Sony might contribute some to the commercial but not the bulk of it. The other commercials (normally the mural commercial) I normally see are for PS3/PSN games in general, so I wouldn't incorporate it with complete Sony costs. The amount of commercials I see for LittleBigPlanet by itself are relatively lower.

Well.. thing is... they are worldwide.. Sony could be spending thousands and thousands of dollars a day on commercials.. TV ads & Magazine ads all over the world.. sure some countries are cheaper to advertise in.. sure some are sponsored.. but still.. think about it.. even if they had 300 (just a number.. but I think they have at least reached that) tv ads alone in america.. half of them were sponsored.. say at 50.000 dollar each.. 150 times 50.000 = $ 7.500.000..

And with the amount of advertising seen all over the world for LBP....

Let's just say this was an expensive campaign..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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Jo21 said:
Batman...WTF? said:
cura said:
Neoraf said:

Someone's waiting for me? I hope you're a girl... (I don't like boys).

The facts:
LBP didn't sell well according to the Hype and the advertising from Sony.
The bundle boosted LBP european Sales.
LBP bombed in Japan.
I'm waiting the american holiday figures to see if LBP has legs.

Any way you put it, LBP isn't HUGE, isn't the System Seller praised to be.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings.
I'm sorry.

I'll admit it, I like the challenge of deconstructing inane and unsubstantiated comments, and yours fit the bill quite nicely :)

You initially attributed the success of LBP sales to bundled deals and then proceeded to use that as a base to say that LBP sales are nothing to be proud of. I pointed out that your comments were based on the asummption that you could only buy a PS3 if it was bundled in with LBP. That is not the case in England, Japan and more than likely many other countries. Thus, you cannot render LBP sales in a negatve light by assuming a significant proportion of its sales are due to bundled deals.

Also, 1.23 million in 7 weeks is hardly anything to scoff at regardless of the hype preceeding the game. The fact that it hasn't been a huge system seller may not be its own fault but rather the steep pricing of the PS3.

Well that's why Sony's going down the toilet. They thought that because a 600$ system said PS3 on it, it would sell like hotcakes.

it did fore the first weeks, it outsold 360 first week even being more expensive

360 first week 400,000+

ps3 first week 600,000+


Well, they were hoping to outsell the Nintendo Wii... So in yes, they failed to make the PS3 sell like hotcakes.

Its a new IP. As long as Sony keeps advertising it and it keeps winning awards, people will catch on and start buying it. I thing the problem is that not a lot of people have played it before. The Beta is what made me get it day one. Had I not played the Beta, I probably still wouldn't have it but would want it.

CGI-Quality said:
@ kyliedog

Online stores? Come on, you said most stores, you must certainly provide more links than that to prove your argument. Everytime I visit any store that sells the game it's selling for FULL price.

I like how he has to prove his point and them you can just say that it's at full price because you saw in a store...

OT: I was heavilly negative of the sales of LBP after 4 weeks but I have to admit now that the numbers are very decent (regardless of hype, expectations, new IP, etc...). It'll probably do more that 1.5 M by year end which is good, I don't care where you're from.

On bundles, I've seen official LBP bundles (with the colored PS3 box and all) probably since a week or 2 after the delayed launch (this was in Belgium, France, Luxembourg). This isn't the only avaliable bundle. But needless to say it helps the games legs. Now, this weeks VGC numbers show the effect of the UK LBP bundle just coming to effect (and eventual online discounts) as well as the usual x-mas boost on SW. But still, doing 118k (or whatever it was in others) after a month and a half on the market, remains a very good performance.

On Americas, yes the numbers are smaller than others but PS3 as a whole is doing worse (+ no bundles) but it is doing great for a PS3 game.

So, I'll say it. Good job LBP! And I have it and though disappointed at first, it's really grozing on me now (give me them MGS DLC Sony!!)


Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.

hey kylie dog, why do you hate LBP so much... dont u own a ps3? Y arn't you happy that its selling good?

Respect for compans: SONY > NINTENDO >>>>>>>>>> MICROSOFT


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Kylie dog finds every single negative aspect of the ps3 and posts it, and yes he does have a ps3, and yes he loves it, idk why he is posting the negative trash on the net.. btw..

Also every game on amazon has been cut in price for the holidays not just LBP.


KylieDog said:
Considering Sony and fanboys alike both hailed the game as being epic and a system seller, no, it didn't sell well.

Has it sold a decent amount? Sales are ok, but considering sales were dropping fast until the bundles, and most stores have had weeks with the game under half price, pretty clear it hasn't met expectations and has failed to do what it was meant to.


 omg how are you missing the point, what i was saying is do u still think the game didnt sell well, i never said, do u think the game sold well against all the hype it was getting... anygame that has sold 1.3mill after less than 7 weeks worldwide is a great accomplishment

Respect for compans: SONY > NINTENDO >>>>>>>>>> MICROSOFT


Just a quick note on bundles since its been brought up so many times. Some bundles move games, and some games move bundles. Question is which is LBP? MGS4 was bundled for a short time and i'm a firm believer that MGS4 sold the bundle, not the console selling the game.

Areas where there is a choice of 3-4 games, I would say the game is the incentive to buy the console at that time. Because ppl are gettin to choose a game that I would assume they want anyways.

Anyways I think the game has sold well for a new IP. As far as hype, well thats kinda subjective to each individual and how they view "hype". But I would tend to say its sold a lil lower than expected based on alot of the reactions i've seen since release. Still a great game that any PS3 owner should pick up though!!

CMoney said:
LBP sales are absolutely horrible in comparisson to the expectations Sony made us believe. Sony hyped this game NONSTOP and expected it to outsell GT5 prologue (fastest selling game besides MSG4) and move hardware. It has done neither. It met NONE of sony's objectives, therefore it is a failure by their own measurements.

I wouldn't say the sale is horrible but it's certainly short of expectation based on the quote in the article

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

Onyxmeth said:
HappySqurriel said:

For what it was it sold well ... Some people were making claims that Little Big Planet would be one of the biggest selling games of this year though.

What's funny is the same people saying this game would go on to sell 5-10 million and have over 1 million week one will be the same ones coming into this topic saying it did well for a new IP and calling everyone a troll for being negative.

Note: No one in this thread thus far are any of these people, so don't worry.



I mean for it's Genre though it's freaking... Gran Turismo 3 or something.

"Create a" based games usually sell poorly.