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CGI-Quality said:
@ kyliedog

Online stores? Come on, you said most stores, you must certainly provide more links than that to prove your argument. Everytime I visit any store that sells the game it's selling for FULL price.

I like how he has to prove his point and them you can just say that it's at full price because you saw in a store...

OT: I was heavilly negative of the sales of LBP after 4 weeks but I have to admit now that the numbers are very decent (regardless of hype, expectations, new IP, etc...). It'll probably do more that 1.5 M by year end which is good, I don't care where you're from.

On bundles, I've seen official LBP bundles (with the colored PS3 box and all) probably since a week or 2 after the delayed launch (this was in Belgium, France, Luxembourg). This isn't the only avaliable bundle. But needless to say it helps the games legs. Now, this weeks VGC numbers show the effect of the UK LBP bundle just coming to effect (and eventual online discounts) as well as the usual x-mas boost on SW. But still, doing 118k (or whatever it was in others) after a month and a half on the market, remains a very good performance.

On Americas, yes the numbers are smaller than others but PS3 as a whole is doing worse (+ no bundles) but it is doing great for a PS3 game.

So, I'll say it. Good job LBP! And I have it and though disappointed at first, it's really grozing on me now (give me them MGS DLC Sony!!)


Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.