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Just a quick note on bundles since its been brought up so many times. Some bundles move games, and some games move bundles. Question is which is LBP? MGS4 was bundled for a short time and i'm a firm believer that MGS4 sold the bundle, not the console selling the game.

Areas where there is a choice of 3-4 games, I would say the game is the incentive to buy the console at that time. Because ppl are gettin to choose a game that I would assume they want anyways.

Anyways I think the game has sold well for a new IP. As far as hype, well thats kinda subjective to each individual and how they view "hype". But I would tend to say its sold a lil lower than expected based on alot of the reactions i've seen since release. Still a great game that any PS3 owner should pick up though!!